Abyssal Blade Of The Distant Trovian
[Melee] [Shadow Dungeon]

Hope you enjoy dear mods, it's my first sword creation and i wasted many many hours on it. :)
Edit: Updated after first review & upgraded!
Created 5 years ago
Updated 5 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Abyssal Blade Of The Distant Trovian status has been set to Added
Ylva 5 years ago
Abyssal Blade Of The Distant Trovian status has been set to Rewarded
entity 5 years ago
Abyssal Blade Of The Distant Trovian status has been set to Accepted
Meowser 5 years ago
Abyssal Blade Of The Distant Trovian status has been set to Approved
Ylva 5 years ago
Abyssal Blade Of The Distant Trovian status has been set to Needs Review
ncati 5 years ago
Abyssal Blade Of The Distant Trovian status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Abyssal Blade Of The Distant Trovian status has been set to Needs Review
ncati 5 years ago

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Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Blade of the Abyss!
It can be found in collections under Styles > Melee > Shadow.
Its not hard at all, just copy your QB file and recolor it according to material map colors. Save that as separate file named with either _a (for alpha map, glass transparency), _t (for type map, glowing, glass, glowing glass) or _s (for metal, rough, waxy etc). Then convert to blueprint by dragging the main .qb file. It will pick up all the material maps by itself if they are located in same folder.
Approving your sword, good job! :)
Now thats a shape i dont see often :D Well done!
I ve tried making those purples glow, and honestly i think your sword looks great even without material mapping. Left is no glow, right is glow.
Would you like you try out material maps yourself or its fine if i approve it as is? (If you use Reply button under my comment i will get a ping)
Hi there!
Wow those colors, im seriously loving the sunset color pallet you used, really beautiful!
Unfortunately, i can not approve the sword right away, sorry. There are already over 900 various swords in game, so all approved creations have to be unique. On a quick search i was able to find quite some swords of similar shape\design (bulky sword base, flat blade), Steampunk Slicer,
Mithril Mightblade,
Brass Bastion,
Aurous Sunsword and others.
Its true, none of them share both coloring and shape, but i would need to ask you to work on your sword a bit more. May be explore some other blade designs, or turn it into an axe, or rework the sword base to have some more distinct form.
Another thing, at the moment you only have one voxel on one side of attachment point. Boomeranger has big hands to its better to have 2 voxels space on each side of AP.
You are also using very dark black color, (7.7.7 in RGB) on some of the voxels. Troxel would highlight them for you if you press Lint and Export button. Voxels stop reflecting light at 10.10.10 so please recolor them to be of lighter shade. Even 11.11.11 will work.
Last but not least, you can use Material Maps to enhance your creation, make some parts glow, some parts shine with metal etc.
To sum it up, this is a very nice design for a first attempt, well done! However it needs a bit more love before i could approve it.
Going to set you back to Active while you work on it some more.