Name my Creation (yea that bad with names)

[Melee] [Dragonfire Peaks]

5 years ago

by Nezz Home Files Download ZIP

V.2 Made flames glow-y-ish-ly, and removed everything around the handle.




Created 5 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

Rewarded 5 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 5 years ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

Name my Creation (yea that bad with names) status has been set to Added

Ylva 5 years ago

Name my Creation (yea that bad with names) status has been set to Rewarded

entity 5 years ago

Name my Creation (yea that bad with names) status has been set to Accepted

Meowser 5 years ago

Name my Creation (yea that bad with names) status has been set to Approved

Ylva 5 years ago

Name my Creation (yea that bad with names) status has been set to Needs Review

Nezz 5 years ago

Name my Creation (yea that bad with names) status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago


Name my Creation (yea that bad with names) status has been set to Needs Review

Nezz 5 years ago

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Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Flame On!

It can be found in collections under Styles > Melee > Dragon.

Bad with names... but great with silhouettes!

Name my Creation (yea that bad with names) status has been set to Approved


Yeah it very much is, but those little splinters really do have an effect on the end product.

Looks great, approved :)


This was like getting sent to the hospital because of a little splinter that caused boo boo on my fat sausage boomeranger hand, but ive done it, i put my heart and soul into removing that single voxel!, and i enjoyed doing so~, so hopefully it all fits nicely now.

Name my Creation (yea that bad with names) status has been set to Needs Review


Ah i see, yeah its a shame reddit has been inactive for sure a long time :(

I like the mapping! and changes to the grip are almost perfect too, but the boomeranger issue is still there.

That is the hand from lvl 20 boomeranger costume with AP exposed, that one voxel on the pommel would clip its way in and thats what we are trying to avoid :) Could you please make sure there are 2 voxels on each side of the swords' attachment point? That would give enough space for everything to look good even on more bulky costumes.

Back to Active for tiny bit.

Name my Creation (yea that bad with names) status has been set to Needs Review


Yea i have posted this a year ago there (Naming sense hasn't improved as you can see)

but no it wasn't reviewed or accepted, they stopped accepting at that time so i removed it and put it on my Safe keeping list for well.. this time to come again.

and once again thank you for the feedback ill play around a bit with the design and get back to you.

That one is gorgeous! I have a feeling i saw it posted on reddit some time ago. Thought it has been accepted there, no? It would be useful if you provided a link to reddit, if possible.

As for feedback, a sword needs to work on all classes including Boomeranger who has bigger hands. I would suggest to give it some more room around the grip area.

Ideally that whole extra glowy orange bit of handguard could be removed to ensure no clipping on all the various costumes, but i think it should be alright.

Another thing, atm flame consists of solid blocks, may be it would look nice if it was glowing or glowing glass?

When you are happy enough with the model, dont forget to advance it to Needs Review.