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Commented on Name my Creation (yea that bad with names) Melee creation
Ylva Creations Team
October,17 2019 17:22That one is gorgeous! I have a feeling i saw it posted on reddit some time ago. Thought it has been accepted there, no? It would be useful if you provided a link to reddit, if possible.
As for feedback, a sword needs to work on all classes including Boomeranger who has bigger hands. I would suggest to give it some more room around the grip area.
Ideally that whole extra glowy orange bit of handguard could be removed to ensure no clipping on all the various costumes, but i think it should be alright.
Another thing, atm flame consists of solid blocks, may be it would look nice if it was glowing or glowing glass?
When you are happy enough with the model, dont forget to advance it to Needs Review.