
[Dungeon (1 Star)] [Geode Topside]

2 years ago

by ABprice Home Files Download ZIP




Created 3 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Rewarded 3 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 2 years ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

Floren status has been set to Added

_FutureHero_ 2 years ago

Floren status has been set to Rewarded

ActualPostCard 3 years ago

Floren status has been set to Accepted

ActualPostCard 3 years ago

Floren status has been set to Approved

Ylva 3 years ago

Floren status has been set to Needs Review

ABprice 3 years ago

Floren status has been set to Active

Ylva 3 years ago


Floren status has been set to Needs Review

ABprice 3 years ago

Floren status has been set to Active

ABprice 3 years ago

Floren status has been set to Needs Review

ABprice 3 years ago

Comments and Likes Comments 14

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Floren status has been set to Added

Congratulations! Your dungeon has been added to Trove! 

It can be found in Geode Topside biomes.

Floren status has been set to Rewarded

Floren status has been set to Accepted



Floren status has been set to Approved

Wow, just wow :D Exceptional work!

I really like those new inner layouts, they are much more player friendly, but still somewhat challenging.

Everything seem to be in order, happy to approve :)

Floren status has been set to Needs Review

liked this!



Thanks for your review! and yes, this is my first creation. also I do agree to everything that u said in the comment. I will make some changes and send it back :)

Floren status has been set to Active


Whoa, this dungeon is really well made :) And it looks like this is your first creation too? Very impressive!

All the functional elements seem to be in place, amount of decorations is just right and im really happy to see those natural blocks and small grass :)

Unfortunately there is one major thing that this dungeon is lacking - variations. Every dungeon must have a few 'layouts' that it can offer to players. Without that it will become very repetitive after a short time.

Currently your dungeon consists of one blueprint that contains all the parts together. To make variations that big structure would need to be cut into separate pieces. I would suggest to separate it into Boss room, Gameplay Room and Entrance. Any other combination could work too, as long as various pieces can assemble together to form a randomized layout.

Once you have separate pieces you would need to make them differ. Each room should have at least two options, but more variety is also welcomed.

For example, variations for the Entrance could be:

  • current narrow pipe going up
  • larger pipe without platforms but with updraft blocks
  • even larger pipe with spiral staircase going up

On top of 'functional' variety its always nice to have some visual variety too, so may be there could exist some extra pillars or other structures.

Same applies to every other separate piece.

Speaking of that narrow pipe though, i believe it might be a bit too narrow for players to climb through. It works perfectly if you are lone in the metaforge, but for a player running on Geode Topside trying to complete as many dungeons as they can while fighting the lag it might get frustrating. I understand there is not much room within current design, but may be the existing platforms could be used in a larger pipe with more room on the inside, while current narrow pipe would get an updraft instead?

Also, just as a thought, since your boss room has entrance in the middle and the quest spawner is close to the wall it would be really troublesome to complete cursed skulls objectives. Some of the mobs might even try to spawn on the outside.  That said, i believe such placement should be quite alright for single target objectives.

Im going to change status of your dungeon to Active for now. Hoping to see it back on Review with some variations! 

liked this!


Floren status has been set to Needs Review

Floren status has been set to Active

Floren status has been set to Needs Review