Eggshell Contest - Rocket Egg - 2/5

[Dungeon (1 Star)]

3 years ago

by DizzyPhysics Home Files Download ZIP

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#1564 rocket_egg_[DizzyPhysics].blueprint January 11, 2022 Download




Created 3 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

Approved 3 years ago
This Creation was Approved by Creation Moderators and is waiting to be considered by Trove Developers for Acceptance.

Eggshell Contest - Rocket Egg - 2/5 status has been set to Approved

Ylva 3 years ago

Eggshell Contest - Rocket Egg - 2/5 status has been set to Needs Review

DizzyPhysics 3 years ago

Comments and Likes Comments 5

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The team really liked this concept but felt like it might might not be immediately identifiable as an egg dungeon for the event. We'd love to see a full dungeon based on this design though!

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I understand, will make another one more bunfest alike!

Eggshell Contest - Rocket Egg - 2/5 status has been set to Approved


Now this is really creative! Looks like it fits in the dimensions, good job :) 

I had to ask Developers about this and few other egg shells. While it is truly beautiful, creative and well-made, it is getting rather close to stop being recognizable as a Bunfest Egg from the first sight. If such a design spawns in Neon City for example, players could easily confuse it with regular non-event dungeon as it looks more like a Rocket rather than an Egg.

That said, i will approve this one, but if you would like to make more - please keep in mind that shells must still be recognizable as Bunfest Eggs.

If you would like to post another eggshell - please use the 3/5 counter in the name.

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Eggshell Contest - Rocket Egg - 2/5 status has been set to Needs Review