Gruesome Edge

[Melee] [Cursed Vale]

4 years ago

by Furler Home Files

Long ago, I made a weapon called "Enlightened Edge", which was the counterpart of this new weapon I created, so I thought it was fitting to call it "Gruesome Edge". Although there are many melee weapons in Trove already, I'm sure that there is still some place left for this one!




Created 4 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

Active 4 years ago
This Creation is Active and is being worked on.

Gruesome Edge status has been set to Active

Ylva 4 years ago

Gruesome Edge status has been set to Needs Review

Furler 4 years ago

Gruesome Edge status has been set to Active

Ylva 4 years ago

Gruesome Edge status has been set to Needs Review

Furler 4 years ago

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Oh, i didnt realize this was a reference to something from another game. Good of you to mention that :)
In this case it is an absolute no, sorry. Some distant references to other games/movies/any other kinds of IP are not advisable but ok, while direct rip-offs are not allowed at all. I am aware that there are few styles and costumes in game that are very close to being a copy of something but each of those is a special case that likely had to go through Legal department approval. We cant have Blizzard or other companies suing us for using their designs. If they would decide to do a cross-promotion with us that would be a completely different story :D

You could make a costume to match the weapon and post that as a Mod with correctly filled 'inspired by' field. That would at least offer other players an option to use the appearance.


Yes, I understand what you are trying to say, but the reason why I made this weapon is because I would love to have the "Corrupted Ashbringer" from WoW to be in Trove (If you don't know what I'm talking about, look it up on Google Images). You see, my Weapon "Enlightened Edge" looks a lot like the "Ashbringer" so it only made sense for me to make its counterpart. I get that you want different weapons that look more unique, but believe me, this weapon is something special. I don't even care that much about the rewards, for me, what's important is to be able to get this in-game. Is there any other way that this weapon could get implemented in the game without changing it so drastically from its original form? If there really isn't, it would be a shame, but I understand. 

Gruesome Edge status has been set to Active

Hello again!

Sorry for the delay.

The sword is looking better, even a bit of volume adds a lot of visual weight :)

However, im still not quite sure that the design is truly unique. Your own Enlightened Edge is relatively close by shape and there are quite some other bulky swords featuring skulls and looking ominous.

May be you could try theming the sword into Jurassic Jungle or Forbidden Spires biome instead of Cursed Vale? Those biomes have least styles. Blunt or hammer shape instead of sword could also make it easier to achieve 'wow thats new!'

Dont get me wrong, your design by itself is looking really nice, but if added to the game its more likely to cause 'hm, where have i seen that before' rather than 'this new style looks neat!'. With the amount of melee styles there are its more feasible to get Devs spend time on adding more fists or spears rather than yet another cursed sword(s). Hope you understand what im trying to say :)

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Gruesome Edge status has been set to Needs Review


I see... It's a shame that we can't have floating blocks anymore, but I think I managed to do something here. I increased the volume of the skull and the guard and I also connected the floating blocks with the blade. I hope these changes I made are good.

Gruesome Edge status has been set to Active


Good to see returning creators :)

Over the past 5+ years the guidelines for creations changed a bit. For instance, the floating and corner-connected blocks are not allowed anymore. On this design the whole skull part is considered floating. Just for the note, connecting parts with absolutely transparent glass blocks doesnt count.

We are also trying to push for less flat shapes with more volume and weight to them, those would fit better with current art direction of Trove. You could check out the latest guide for styles here > 

Another thing, im not sure if those were available for creators back in the days, but now we can make use of Material Maps - those are used to make blocks glow, be transparent like glass or shine like metal  > . Please keep in mind that Maps can not overlap, a voxel that is mapped like Metal can not have transparency of glass or a glow at the same time.

This sword design of yours looks really solid and well-made, but if you look through the swords that are already available for player you could see that quite a lot of them are featuring similar blade shape and 'gruesome-ness' . It is easier to get a melee approved if its a hammer or other sort of blunt weapon and is designed to fit a biome with fewer melee styles available.

I am going to set the status of your creation to Active for now. If you upload an updated version of this sword - set it back to Review. If you would rather create something completely different - set the status of this one to Draft, that will remove it from the list and will free up a slot for another creation.

In any case, good luck!

Gruesome Edge status has been set to Needs Review

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