Edge of Chaos

[Staff] [Neon City]

3 years ago

by Kiwimaximus Home Files Download ZIP




Created 4 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

Rewarded 4 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 3 years ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Added

Ylva 3 years ago

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Rewarded

ActualPostCard 4 years ago

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Accepted

ActualPostCard 4 years ago

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Approved

Ylva 4 years ago

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Needs Review

Kiwimaximus 4 years ago

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Active

Kiwimaximus 4 years ago


Edge of Chaos status has been set to Needs Review

Kiwimaximus 4 years ago

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Active

Ylva 4 years ago

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Needs Review

Kiwimaximus 4 years ago

Comments and Likes Comments 16

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Edge of Chaos status has been set to Added

Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Luminous Edge!

It can be found in collections under Styles > Staves > Neon City.

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Rewarded

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Accepted

liked this!


Edge of Chaos status has been set to Approved

Hello again!

Staff has a really nice appeal to it, great job on colors and maps :) 


For future occasions, we require a blueprint of a creation uploaded to the post (Files tab next to Edit etc) so Devs could easily download, check and put creations in game. Blueprint should be named styletype_stylename[CreatorsName].blueprint, and so in your case staff_edge_of_chaos[Kiwimaximus].blueprint (creators name must be in square brackets and thats the only place that can have capital letter). This time around i ve made a blueprint out of your latest Troxel link files and uploaded it, but it saves me time if creators do that themselves :)

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Needs Review


Different voxel editors use different pallet systems or dont support pallet loading at all so there is no 'pallet download' yet. RGB values do indeed take ages to input but it should be fast enough to over copy hex codes. Another thing, i doubt you would ever need to use more than 20 or so colors in one model (not counting their daker/lighter and inbetween shades).

https://trovesaurus.com/page=3976/trove-style-guidelines-for-trove-creations could be a helpful read.

Also, please dont stress about these creations. Real life always comes first and creations will always be here when you decide to spend some time on them :)

PS. whoa, that black and orange staff looks neat, id say with tiny bit more shading on grey part and/or specular map it would be just great :D

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Active

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Needs Review


Is it possible to download the whole pallet because its taking forever to do them one by one


Thanks again for the inspiration. I'm new to this stuff so its confusing doing it mixed with the rest of my school work but I will be carry on working on the staff. And sorry about the other thing. 

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Active

Hello again!

Staff feels oddly familiar :P Please dont make new posts if you are working on perfecting same design, feedback or any other comments get lost this way.

With that said, this design is definitely an improvement! I like new details and material maps.

However im still not quite sure that full design has achieved that 'wow' selling point. To be clear, from technical side the staff is absolutely correct, it works and it looks good. Thing is, there are  quite a lot of good styles in game so at this moment of time we really need aim to 'wow' devs awesomeness and special appeal of designs. Something silly and fun ideas work too :)

I still think your design could work, and i tried to play around with it and ended up with following edited version. You do not need to copy it in any case, its not perfect and only meant to hopefully serve as inspiration.

Adjusted things: rods are further away from eachother and end with circles like plants in Neon City do, their color changed to match same plants, added bright pink to spice up the blues, added same-ish rod on the back of the staff to unite it.

Im pretty sure you can do better :) Somewhat cleaner shape and colors that highlight that shape instead of hiding it should definitely work. Its hard to see the details behind that beautiful deep blue, might be worth to check out whole Neon City and Luminopolis color pallets (bottom of the page) https://trovesaurus.com/biome=14/neon-city/modinfo 

Changing status of your creation to Active for now, if you decide to continue working on this design, upload changes to this post and set it back to Review please :)

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Needs Review