Champion's spear

[Spear] [Medieval Highlands]

5 years ago

by Alwis Home Files Download ZIP

Model Viewer: Open in Troxel

A spear of an knight champion.


Inspired by the Revenant's skin level 30




Created 5 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

Draft Creation

This Creation does not take up a Creation Slot, set it as Active if you have a free slot and wish to work on it again.


Champion's spear status has been set to Draft

Alwis 5 years ago

Champion's spear status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago

Champion's spear status has been set to Needs Review

Alwis 5 years ago

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Champion's spear status has been set to Draft


I understand, thank you for your answer. I think I'm going to do a new style, completely different. :)

Champion's spear status has been set to Active


That is a great looking spear, a real lance! Well done on matching colors and theme to Rev 30 costume :)

Unfortunately, for Creations every style has to follow strict guidelines. Those ensure that the model will work correctly on all classes that use that type of weapon. Spear guidelines can be found here. You can also check your model in Troxel, pick the Spear style and click the Lint and Export button, that will highlight all technical issues if there are any.

Every spear has to be exactly 45 voxels long. There can be a head part and pommel part, but between them there has to be a completely plan 1 voxel thin shaft without any extra elements. Everything that goes outside of the boundaries can and most likely will clip with body parts or costume elements during animations.

I understand that trying to adjust this design to the guidelines would make it much less lance-looking, but rules are rules.

Going to set status of your creation to Active, change it back to Needs Review if you upload updated model. If you d rather create something completely new, set status of this one to Draft, that will free up a creation slot for another style.

In any case, good luck!

Ps. If you make some matching costume to go with the spear you could post it as a Mod. Mods dont have any strict guidelines, and the weapon style only has to work with a costume it comes with, not with every class. That way your spear would have a chance to get in game too :)

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Champion's spear status has been set to Needs Review

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