Gaze of the Shadows

[Dungeon (1 Star)] [Geode Topside]

3 years ago

by Foodfight2 Home Files Download ZIP




Created 5 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

Rewarded 4 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 3 years ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Added

Ylva 3 years ago

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Rewarded

ActualPostCard 4 years ago

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Accepted

ActualPostCard 4 years ago

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Approved

Ylva 5 years ago

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Needs Review

Foodfight2 5 years ago

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago


Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Needs Review

Foodfight2 5 years ago

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Active

Foodfight2 5 years ago

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Draft

Foodfight2 5 years ago

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Needs Review

Foodfight2 5 years ago

Comments and Likes Comments 15

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Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Added

Congratulations! Your dungeon has been added to Trove! 

It can be found in Geode Topside biomes.

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Rewarded

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Accepted

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Approved

Looks amazing! Thank you for all the hard work and effort, dungeon turned out so good :D

Hoping to see this one in game, and hoping to see more creations from you!


Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Needs Review

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Active

Hello again!

Changes look awesome, very well done on the corridors and boss rooms variations! Thank you for adding decorations and making passages wider, hoping it will be sufficient to pass Dev check too :)

For room variations, it would be great if the entrance parts could be more different from the first glance. May be a tentacle pointing other direction, or taller/shorter tentacles or less tentacles? Im sure you can think of something that fits better with the idea. Same with the lgameplaygeode2.blueprint and its variation, they do have differences but it would probably be more noticeable if in one of them a tentacle/crystal was poking from the other side of the wall or if one of them had other liquid/no liquid? 

Another thing about lgameplaygeode2.blueprint and its variation, they have a bit too many active traps. Number of those allowed per room is 8 while your rooms have 12-14. 

Again about the spikes :P Thank you very much for trimming down that corner of death! However, those lines of them on room borders and under water pool are still a bit too much. You dont have to remove them completely, but having a safe spot here and there would be very nice. Top is how it is now, bottom is an edited safer version, doesnt have to be exactly this way though.

With decorations some passages became to narrow, this one for example:

I do like the idea of those columns to play obstacle part but without those corridors would be much less annoying to adventure through.

Mob placement could be distributed more equally throughout the dungeon. Geode topside dungeons tend to spawn all possible mobs so areas like this would be overcrowded. Imagine all 3 spawning as elite versions :P

Lastly, in lairgeodebossvar.blueprint boss spawner is placed rather close to the wall. Would be great if it could be 5-6 voxels away from it instead of just 3. That item does not indicate exact position of boss/skulls/chest after completion but marks the area for it instead.

Just one last push. Seriously counting on approving it next time its on review :)

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Needs Review

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Active

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Draft

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Active

Hello :) Thank you for posting!

So the reason why it doesnt assemble is the size of your dungeon. On the left is your 'entrance' part, on the right is max sized dimension matrix for 1-star dungeon, 39x39x90. Sadly 90 is not the total height, but max possible length around red plug, 30 below it and 60 above.

Luckily you dont have to cut out all too much, two of those extra voxels belong to the ground 'frame'. You could also lower you red plug by a voxel or even two and reduce the depth of the spike-water pit and drop to boss room. Without the ground frame and with shortened gameplay2 room the layout that fits could look like this (to be clear, i only removed the ground to make rooms visible):

Since your entrance is done through a portal you could move all them rooms (orange socket placement) some voxels to the right to get more room for gameplay2 corridor, if you wish to.

Without changes to other rooms it assembles just fine.

With technical side fixed, i do want to drop in couple of words about the overall design.

First of all, i love the layout, very nice and interesting path/room placement! Holes in walls are a nice touch too! Please do keep in mind though that every room needs to have variations, so two options for entrance, two options for each of gameplay rooms, two options for boss room.

Its really pleasant to see designs that can be challenging for players :) However, having a bit more space in the corridors would be welcomed. I especially mean this corner and the drop shaft to boss room, any chance you could make entrances 3 wide?

About the spikes, its usually best to avoid fields of them, even if it was 2 (spike) - 1 (empty) - 2 (spike) pattern on walls/floor it would be much better.

You did very nice and natural looking coloring on the top part! There is an easy way though, you could make it all one color in your qb editor and then once its converted to a blueprint you could /floodfill your ground with Geode Dirt (you can add it to your Metaforge inventory with command > /wadd placeable/block/natural/geodehubdirt.binfab ). That would create natural shading on the cave walls and make the dungeon fit nicely in the surrounding biome.

Adding some decorations and/or placing some geodian grass on the ground (/wadd placeable/deco/geode_hub_grass_01 ) could to spice things up a little bit :)

To sum it up, really impressive and well done, but needs a bit more love :) Going to set the status of this one to Active for now, but hoping to see it back on Review!

Gaze of the Shadows status has been set to Needs Review