Wamurai Satermelon

[Melee] [Treasure Isles]

5 years ago

by NXZ Home Files Download ZIP

Created 2018




Created 5 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

Approved 5 years ago
This Creation was Approved by Creation Moderators and is waiting to be considered by Trove Developers for Acceptance.

Wamurai Satermelon status has been set to Approved

Ylva 5 years ago

Wamurai Satermelon status has been set to Needs Review

NXZ 5 years ago

Wamurai Satermelon status has been set to Active

NXZ 5 years ago

Wamurai Satermelon status has been set to Draft

NXZ 5 years ago

Wamurai Satermelon status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago

Wamurai Satermelon status has been set to Needs Review

NXZ 5 years ago

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liked this!


Wamurai Satermelon status has been set to Approved

Looks good! I like the thicker version and shape looks much more convincing too, well done :)




Uploaded a new Ingame Picture

Hello again!

Could you please upload an in-game screenshot or two with updated version?


Wamurai Satermelon status has been set to Needs Review


Wamurai Satermelon status has been set to Active


Wamurai Satermelon status has been set to Draft

Wamurai Satermelon status has been set to Active


What a fun concept, very Trovian! So weird, in all 900+ swords we have, there seem to be no watermelons :D

While the idea is great, i think it could use some improvements. First of, the colors you use for green and red are very close to Material map colors, it should not (but might) cause some issues while converting to blueprint. Plus, watermelons themselves have somewhat different color shades so could be good to pick colors closer to that.

Another thing, its usually better to avoid something-on-a-stick designs and go for something that is connected instead. At the moment i cant place a handle together with watermelon slice, is it meant to be a Cocktail Stick? May be if it had less details it would read better. Also, boomranger has big hands so its better to leave 2 voxels on each side of AP for him :)

As a wild thought, it might be good to add some weight to the watermelon part, i like the way it is at the moment, its thin and sharp, but that also looks fragile and a bit off, cant really put my finger on it.

I made a quick edit based on your model and suggestions above, you dont have to copy it at all, wouldnt want to go too far from your original design, but may be it will help you pick a direction for improvements :)

Going to set status of your creation to Active, set it back to Review if you upload some changes!


Wamurai Satermelon status has been set to Needs Review