Neon Doggo

The Neon Dog! a master of neon city and a fiery friendly dog!
Neon Doggo status has been set to Approved
Ylva 5 years ago
Neon Doggo status has been set to Needs Review
xXx_akumi_xXx 5 years ago
Neon Doggo status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Neon Doggo status has been set to Needs Review
xXx_akumi_xXx 5 years ago
Neon Doggo status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Neon Doggo status has been set to Needs Review
xXx_akumi_xXx 5 years ago

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my english is very bad, sorry for that, i shouldn't say that exactly but, i do another helmet.
Im sorry but im not sure i understand you correctly, so let me try to explain. Creations themselves are always here, same as Mods. Players can make thins like weapon styles or face/hat/helmet styles, upload, get those reviewed and approved and then possibly Accepted by Trove developer team. Devs reward creators whose creations were accepted with some [Credits] and special hats, and put those creations in game. On top of that, there is an ongoing contest is just a temporal promotion since Helmets only recently got added as a type of style that can be accepted for game. Contest is meant to encourage people to submit Animal-style heads. There is already a style category in game with them, and all those are real-life animals as they are, may be a bit more cartoon-ish but not Candorian or Neon.
The Void Dragon helmet you posted before counted for the Contest, because its a known mythical creature, so you get 1 participation Trovesaurus reward token from that (when rewards will be distributed). However, it wasnt finished so it does not get into Approved pool for devs to pick from.
Neon Hound on the other hand is finished and it looks awesome! So this one is on the list and hopefully if devs like it they could Accept it and put in game. Unfortunately though, it does not fit in Contest promotion, since it is not a real animal, so i cant grant you extra rewards for getting it approved :(
Hope its clear now, not sure where you got a 'possibility to give a dragon' >_<
so, that helmet don't enter in the contest but that have the posibility to give me a dragon? :c not good for me.
Shiny and Neon :D Looking good!
To be clear, im afraid this wont count for contest as Animal head (but you already getting participation token for dragon), since contest is aimed for real-life animal designs. However, this helmet idea looks fun and Trovian so im happy to approve it as creation :)
Oh this looks definitely interesting! I love the explosions of colors, some Luminopolis-themed hound :D Head shape seems to be really close to Dobermann breed, nice touch!
As i recently replied to other creator, while the idea is awesome it might not fit in the contest theme since that is themed around real-life animals and well-known mythical ones like dragons (or unicorns for example, everyone will recognize a unicorn).
I think with just tiny bit more work this one could fully shine! Neon city is all about straight lines and contrast colors. Pallet for reference and general design guidelines can be found on this page, scroll a bit for Luminopolis. Other neon-themed collections can be found here >>
I tried to make lines a bit more straight instead of diagonal, may be this will help you to finalize your creation :)