Rarebird Arrowhead
[Spear] [Jurassic Jungle]

you’re very lucky to get this rare bird, strange, but a spear is its only use.
Created 5 years ago
Updated 3 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Rarebird Arrowhead status has been set to Added
Ylva 3 years ago
Rarebird Arrowhead status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 4 years ago
Rarebird Arrowhead status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 4 years ago
Rarebird Arrowhead status has been set to Approved
Ylva 5 years ago
Rarebird Arrowhead status has been set to Needs Review
onigiry 5 years ago
Rarebird Arrowhead status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Rarebird Arrowhead status has been set to Needs Review
onigiry 5 years ago
Rarebird Arrowhead status has been set to Active
Ylva 5 years ago
Rarebird Arrowhead status has been set to Needs Review
onigiry 5 years ago

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Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - A very Rare Bird!
It can be found in collections under Styles > Spears > Jurassic Jungle.
Hi there :)
Its a fun design, i like the dangerous coloring that bird has :D
Few technical moments, you are using correct overall dimensions, but the attachment point is located closer to end than it should be. Plus the pommel is much bigger than allowed 3x3x3 and front (bird) part is 1 voxel longer too, those would need to be fixed.
Left is your spear, right is spear template for comparison.
Further, both wings are corner connected and belly of a bird is very flat, so may be give it some weight and connect the wings at the same time?
Did you make it so the shaft and pommel represent the birds tail? Wooden colors around the grip feel a bit out of place in that case. Also may be a voxel or two around the birds bottom to make the transaction between body and tail a bit smoother?
Lastly, all material maps should contain attachment point, else the game would not know where to apply them within the model, your Type mapping is missing one.
Going to set this one back to Active while you work on it a bit more, dont forget to change its status once you ve made changes :)