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Task Comments
Showing all Comments posted on task pages.
Unhandled task / 67
10 years ago
Etaew posted:
I'm not against theme changes, but I've always preferred a light and bright site, with the colour being added through background images, link colours etc.
Trove Wiki looks quite dark. (pls reply back)
oh man :( ah i know! how about you add some gold/yellow to the theme of trovesaurus that way it wont look dark :)
Habasi on
Unhandled task / 149
10 years ago
Unhandled task / 154
10 years ago
Etaew on
Unhandled task / 154
10 years ago
darkheat posted:
Those pages could supply strategies, and more info on each of the abiltiies. Especially for abilities, as they only show the tooltips.
Yeah they could, they should already automatically list any guides that people create when they set the tag as the class name.
Unhandled task / 154
10 years ago
Etaew posted:
You mean like ?
Those pages could supply strategies, and more info on each of the abiltiies. Especially for abilities, as they only show the tooltips.
Fizzinc on
Unhandled task / 154
10 years ago
Interesting idea, I really like it!
Etaew on
Unhandled task / 155
10 years ago
Yup I could definitely enhance the profile section, you can already set your IGN :)
Etaew on
Unhandled task / 149
10 years ago
Etaew on
Unhandled task / 84
10 years ago
I like this and want to do this, I have a large inbox :(
Etaew on
Unhandled task / 80
10 years ago
Yup I like this idea, I have some framework to sort out whether this would be user entered or having an acceptance process by a club leader.
At the moment for example if you look at my profile you can see clubs that I am the owner of, clubs that you are a part of I want to display there too.
Etaew on
Unhandled task / 66
10 years ago
We do already have a pretty extensive clubs list did you want something more detailed?
Etaew on
Unhandled task / 110
10 years ago
I've just updated the icon for the Agile Axe, did you want to work through a list of some others that are lower quality?
Etaew on Unhandled task / 113
10 years ago
For the most part the styles db will tell you which biome you need to head to, doing any activity there will drop items from that group. However the quickest way to get guaranteed drops would be to clear Dungeons and Lairs because of the chests.
If the category of the style isn't a biome they are obtained through alternate means.