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Item Comments
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moo3oo3oo3 on
Default Portal
8 years ago
I believe this is the same one as the portal to The First Scenario (Shadow Hub)
moo3oo3oo3 on
Construction Sign
8 years ago
This is located in the hidden underground tunnels of The First Scenario (Shadow Hub)
moo3oo3oo3 on
Lore Cube
8 years ago
This is the 2nd Lore Cube in the series
moo3oo3oo3 on
Lore Cube
8 years ago
This is the 1st Lore Cube in the series
moo3oo3oo3 on
Lore Cube
8 years ago
This is the 3rd Lore Cube in the series
moo3oo3oo3 on
Lore Cube
8 years ago
This is the 4th Lore Cube in the series
moo3oo3oo3 on
Lore Cube
8 years ago
This is the 5th Lore Cube in the series
moo3oo3oo3 on
Lore Cube
8 years ago
This is the 7th Lore Cube in the series
moo3oo3oo3 on
Lore Cube
8 years ago
This is the 6th Lore Cube in the series
moo3oo3oo3 on
Qubesly says,
8 years ago
You can find this in The First Scenario (Shadow Hub)
ChibiNinja6 on
Treasure Isles Plant
8 years ago
How do you get this decoration?
pakovrs on
Quarter Wheel Chandelier
8 years ago
Oh, ok thanks, I just read the placeable thing and I thought it was in game, didn't think about that.
Fheer07 on
Dormant Worldspring Dragon Egg
8 years ago
Se ve super, pero no se por que no me da las cosas. Gracias
Shumatsu on
Chaos Chest
8 years ago
Info seems a bit outdated. I've gotten as low as high 300s in flux from them, so minimum is not 1k.
Etaew on
Quarter Wheel Chandelier
8 years ago
No recipes seem to be attached to it at the moment, I could be wrong. There are several pieces of deco that is available to dungeon builders only, and aren't craftable.
pakovrs on
Quarter Wheel Chandelier
8 years ago
Is this craftable? In which biome is it? I can't find it but I have all regular recipes
Etaew on
Ancient Chocolurker
8 years ago
The information we have listed here is:
- In Chocolate
- Anywhere except Candoria
- At a height between 20 and 200
It doesn't appear to be obtainable in the hub world.
Ancient Chocolurker
8 years ago
Any tips on catching this fish. I seem to not be able to get my hands on it yet. Been fishing at the hub world for quite sometime.
moo3oo3oo3 on Merchant
8 years ago
Found in The First Scenario (Shadow Hub)