Party Pup

Showing pages that match the terms collections/pet/goat_pinata_basic, Party Pup.
This years Sunfest event gives access to craft a bunch of items from each factions workbench respectively for their coins. Previous years allies can also be crafted for those who missed them in 2019. Doing the delves for the new flux currencies is the ma...
July 17, 2021 Sunfest 2021
Are you ready for one of Trove’s biggest events of the year? Come celebrate and throw a big bash together in Trove’s Sunfest summer event. This party is not only special for the summer, but also because of Trove’s 5th birthday! Join th...
July 7, 2020 Blog Sunfest 2020 Event
We've updated the Trovesaurus Database with the collections from the Crystal Combat update. Here are the changes we have detected:...
December 18, 2018 Database Update Collections
New collections detected on the PTS build....
November 30, 2018 PTS Collections