Sabaddar, Summer's Rapture


Showing pages that match the terms collections/mount/warhorse_summerkami, Sabaddar.

Luxion lands in the Hub – until June 11, 2023

Trovians, welcome Luxion back as he lands in the hub with a bunch of amazing goodies! Get yourself the Shadow Shrike Emblem to summon a temporary powerful ally to fight by your side, recruit the ferocious, yet adorable Q’berus’ly ally, the bon...

June 9, 2023 Blog Luxion

Luxion lights up the Hub – Until November 14, 2022!

Trovians, are you ready for the cold season yet?Luxion returns to the Hub to bring you some items that will keep you warm during the cold days! Re-visit the warmer months with Sabaddar, Summer’s Rapture, and discover more magnificent mounts lik...

November 11, 2022 Blog Luxion

Luxion visits us – until April 19, 2021!

Luxion is back in our hub and brings us tons of items!He will offer you, among others, an Energizing Rain Emblem that unlocks a flask that restores 10% health to all nearby allies, a Soothing Rain Emblem that unlocks a flask that restores 20 energy t...

April 16, 2021 Blog Luxion

Luxion Returns on Friday, December 27.

Luxion the Golden Dragon has returned to the Hub! He’s here to offer you good deals for your precious Dragon Coins! As usual, he will be waiting for you near the Dragon Crucible from December 27th and will magically disappear on December 31st at 4 ...

December 27, 2019 Blog

Blocktacular Blocky Bonus Event

We’re bringing blocky back with the Blocktacular Blocky Bonus Event in Trove between Sep. 26 and Oct. 2, 2018! Pick up a returning Blocky Bonus item every day if you missed them on their first visit. 9/26: Sabaddar, Summer’s Rapture 9/27: Tiny T-Re...

September 26, 2018 Blog

Trove’s Blocky Bonuses!

On September 26, 2017 we introduced a new system to Trovians around the world – Blocky Bonus! The first Blocky Bonus item was the gorgeous Sabaddar, Summer's Rapture. While that mount is only available through October 23, Blocky Bonuses are just g...

October 18, 2017 Blog

Saminator – Save the Future!

A traveler on the temporal seas has come back in time to prevent unfathomable anguish… and some really badly executed sequels. Blocky Bonus Before we dive into the mind-bending reality of time travel, let’s talk about something spectacula...

September 26, 2017 Blog

Hotfix - September 26, 2017

Blocky BonusStarting with this hotfix on PC and Xbox One (and by October 4th for PlayStation 4) there's a great new mount, Sabaddar, Summer’s Rapture (pictured above), available in the Store - just log in and claim it from the Deals tab. P...

September 19, 2017 Patch

Database Update - Friday Fright Fest Edition

We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the latest client, beware, spoilers are here....

October 28, 2016 Database Update