

This scholarly saurian diligently documents the state of affairs in the world at large.
50 Mesteri Pont



Distributed by Trovesaurus, can be claimed from the Trovesaurus Mount Claim when we have codes for them in stock.  Claim a code and apply it to your Glyph account.

Visit Claim a Sageosaurus Page

Please note that this isn't a constant supply, we re-stock the Sageosaurus for large events.


Trovesaurus Year 1

Hátasok 50

? Mount allows the player to move quickly on land.

Tervezte: Trove Team

Themes: Trovian

Icon blueprint: c_mt_raptor_trovesaurus_head

Updated: 3 years ago | Created: 9 years ago | Imported in Patch: Faster Fish and Double Dragon

External Links: View on Trove Wiki

Additional Information

This mount was created by TeeKayM to celebrate Trovesaurus' first anniversary.

When it was first added to the game it was on a bird rig it flapped its arms when it jumped, and was missing the right leg, this was later fixed but it gave it a super cute personality.


Last updated 7 years ago by Etaew +/-


This mount was created by [user=TeeKayM] to celebrate Trovesaurus' first anniversary. When it was first added to the game it was on a bird type rig it flapped its arms when it jumped, and was missing the right leg. (It was cuter this way).


This mount was created by [user=TeeKayM] to celebrate Trovesaurus' first anniversary.

When it was first added to the game it was on a bird rig it flapped its arms when it jumped, and was missing the right leg, this was later fixed but it gave it a super cute personality.

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