Cinnabar Squad Quad

탈 것

선홍색 팀의 판 트로비안 랠리 로스터는 보다 무거운 장비에 치우쳐 있지만, 이런 바이크를 위해 몇 자리는 비워 뒀습니다.
50 마스터리 포인트



Crafted through the [item=Chaos Core Crafter], or alternatively a Rare drop from a [item=Chaos Chest].

잠금 해제
Using the following items can unlock this collection

탈 것: 선홍색 4륜 스쿠터
[Mount: Cinnabar Squad Quad]


Mount | | 90 Movement Speed |

탈 것: 선홍색 4륜 스쿠터
[Mount: Cinnabar Squad Quad]


Mount | | 90 Movement Speed |

탈 것: 선홍색 4륜 스쿠터
[Mount: Cinnabar Squad Quad]


Mount | | 90 Movement Speed |

Chaos Chest Rotation
April 4, 2017 to April 11, 2017.

Chance to get this item from:

Chaos Chest Golden Chaos Chest increased chance between April 4, 2017 and April 11, 2017.

Unlocked to craft:

Chaos Core Crafter after April 4, 2017

Last updated 6 years ago

? Mount allows the player to move quickly on land.

제작자: Pennry

Icon blueprint: c_mt_cycle_quad_red_ui[pennry]

Updated: 7 years ago |

External Links: View on Trove Wiki

Videos Related videos to this collection.