Bitten Kitten
Showing pages that match the terms collections/mount/ball_catvamp, Bitten Kitten.
Luxion returns to the hub and brings us tons of mounts. Don’t miss this chance to complete your collections!Luxion will be waiting for you in the Light’s Den from April 29 and will magically disappear on May 2 at 11:00 am UTC.Enjoy a preview of s...
Luxion is back in our hub and brings us tons of mounts!He will also offer you a Shadow Shrike Emblem that unlocks a flask that summons a temporary damage dealing ally to fight for you (This ally deals damage based on your physical damage) as well as ...
Luxion the Golden Dragon has returned to the Hub! He’s here to offer you good deals for your precious Dragon Coins! As usual, he will be waiting for you near the Dragon Crucible from April 17th and will magically disappear on April 20th at 4 AM PS...
Luxion of the Golden Hoard is a gorgeous dragon who returns to the Hub twice a month to trade goods for Dragon Coins. You’ll find Luxion near the Dragon Crucible from March 29 until April 1. He’ll vanish at 4AM PDT (12PM UTC) on April 1 (...
March 29, 2019 Blog
Luxion of the Golden Hoard is a gorgeous gilded dragon who returns to the Hub twice a month to trade goods for Dragon Coins. You’ll find Luxion near the Dragon Crucible. Luxion’s wares have been tweaked to bring about an infusion of awesomen...
March 29, 2018 Blog
These are the collections from the database update of Trove - Adventures. This is in a seperate document due to the length....
November 14, 2017 Database Update
We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Eclipse Update....
August 22, 2017 Database Update
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the latest client, beware, spoilers are here....
October 28, 2016 Database Update
Russian translation of 11.10.2016's Trove Update....
October 11, 2016 Patch Rus Translation Update
Shadow's Eve is Back and Even Better! Pumpkin Dungeons are sprouting in all biomes! Find a giant Jack-O-Lantern and defeat these spooky intruders for candy corn. The Hub is all Shadow’s Eve themed, and includes the Shadowy Station (inside a big ...
October 10, 2016 Patch
Thanks to Shirokiri who has posted the notes for this livestream on the Trove Forums. Source:
October 8, 2016 Livestream