Restorative Emblem

Showing pages that match the terms collections/flask/effect_healthregen, Restorative Emblem.
With this update we wanted to address player concerns around Luxion, specifically the frequency of some collection appearances. To this end, we’re introducing Fluxion – allowing players to vote on his contents. Additionally, a new Delve biome ...
Luxion is back in our welcoming world to warm our hearts in these difficult and cold times.He has filled his hoard with mounts, allies, and a Restorative Emblem that unlocks a flask that temporarily boosts your health regeneration.From February 5, Lu...
Our golden dragon, Luxion, will visit us on our server one last time this month and he’ll bring us cool items, as always! This time, he brings the Energetic Emblem with him, which temporarily boosts your energy regeneration, so that you can ...
Everything you could ever hope to know about the Pirate Captain class. Proper use of skills, positioning, allies, flasks, emblems, all of the above!...
August 10, 2015 Pirate Captain
What are Vials? What are Emblems? How do I get them? How do I use them? What are some tips for using them? Jeanolos has put together a guide to answer these questions. How to Vial or How to be OP with Drinking...
June 9, 2015 Mechanics
This is a example of a play style for the Neon Ninja that is very successful at Uber 5 and Shadow Arenas with a reasonable degree of practice. It is based on the examples given by a few members of the community, primarily Psychobe...
May 28, 2015 Neon Ninja
We've updated our database for the Monster Bash Update....
May 19, 2015 Database Update