Chaotic Clipper

Showing pages that match the terms collections/boat/clipper_chaos, Chaotic Clipper.
We've tweaked our collections importer due to a report of missing tomes, we've found them, also found some additional changes. Maintaining an custom importer is a lot of work and relies on user reports when it comes to incorrect information. We encourage...
December 5, 2018 Database Update
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Snowfest & Get Crafty! patch....
December 20, 2016 Database Update
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the latest client, beware, spoilers are here....
October 28, 2016 Database Update
Frosted Mini Update arrives Tuesday August 18. It adds a new adventure chest, new sails, community creations and bug fixes. The servers will come down at 7 AM PDT / 2 PM GMT and should be down for approximately 3 hours. Source: http://forums.trov...
August 17, 2015 Patch
Patch notes have been posted for the next Trove patch due to arrive Tuesday, June 16 2015. This patch introduces dragons, challenges, badges and uber 6. Source:
June 15, 2015 Patch
Bragi has posted on the forums a selection of notes from the developer livestream today. Source: ...
May 1, 2015 Livestream
We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Welcoming Edition patch....
April 28, 2015 Database Update
The Trovesaurus database has been updated with the Chaos Factor Edition client files and the following changes have been made....
March 24, 2015 Database Update