Shadow Hunter

Shadow Hunters destroy evil wherever it may hide. Heed the Dark Whispers of your captured shadow, pick off distant enemies with a charged Radiant Arrow, and trap them with Sun Snares when they get close.

Shadow Hunter Builds

Showing all Shadow Hunter builds, in order of most likes.

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Circuitree's Shadow Hunter January 2, 2017
LevelingShadow TowersFarmingDamage

Gotta go fast!

General SH January 2, 2017
DamageFarmingShadow TowersLeveling

This is a very standard SH build, however without a class gem, you'll want Energy Regen on your ring as well as your bow.

Fast SH Crystal Combat
FarmingShadow TowersLevelingDamage

This is a SH farming/ST build. Make sure to read the comments and description to build your SH and make him reach his best! For farming Knight subclass in my opinion should be used on SH when you're unable to fast kill monsters around you to gain movement boosts from your gems and allies, that's why I actually prefer to choose Pirate Captain subclass when farming instead. For ST I suggest you to use Lunar Lancer for DMG boost.

Damage maker January 9, 2017
DamageShadow TowersFarmingLeveling

Speed farming build :) Heroes Hotfix 1

This is a farming build for the Shadow Hunter I also have a ST build if you are interested.

Kukui's Shadow Hunter Build January 9, 2017
PvPShadow TowersSupportDamage

Shadow Hunter's stats build from Kukui's Class Guide with Empowered Gems from Underrated54's guide.

Shadow Hunter Build | BBlix January 16, 2018
Shadow TowersFarmingDamageSupport

Physical Damage, Critical Damage, Critical Hit Pre-Valentine's
Shadow TowersDamageFarmingLeveling

you focus on PH, CD, CH to do better damage and dps, with class gem its better

Shadow tower build:) Heroes Hotfix 1
DamageShadow Towers

This is a ST build for Shadow Hunter. I also have a speed farming build if you are intrested.

All Purpose Dps/Farming Build ~ PRIMER Sunrise Hotfix 2

solid build that makes use of crit procs and the shadow hunter's fixed attack speed

EveryThing Sunrise Hotfix 3

About Subclass - tbh subclass does not make a very huge difference you can use anything you like. But I like PC's subclass for more MF

Versitale SH Fees and Felines

Shadow Hunter but meta build

KneezMz's Shadow Hunter Build Deep Dragons
DamageLevelingFarmingShadow Towers

Here you can find a build that will make you do lots of damage, I updated some of the stat priorities to make sense and changed the Ally.

OffTank Heroes
Shadow TowersFarmingDamageTank

Good Damage, Good Sustain.

Yer Mum Gae Heroes
PvPLevelingShadow TowersDamage

No yu

Basic Shadow Hunter January 9, 2017

Basic Shadow Hunter focused on damage.

full dano January 9, 2017
FarmingShadow TowersDamage

KOMBAT MASTER January 9, 2017
DamageShadow TowersSupport

The Shadow hunter is one of the best combat classes. This build will help you get that DPS.

FarmingShadow TowersLevelingDamage

Ultimate SH Build December 12, 2023

This is not just a build, I have been learning about every class to do these builds and subclass effect. I hope you can read and learn a bit yourself about the classes and in-game damage values.

Shadow Hunter as a Tank Eclipse
TankShadow TowersSupport

The title says it all...though i don't think many will notice this....

Sh st / farming build September 5, 2017
FarmingDamageShadow Towers

This build should be able to be used in st and farming

Riotblades January 2, 2017
DamageShadow TowersTankSupport

Its a good one because i love to play with him.

fast Going Green Hotfix

Speedy Infinite HP Build Going Green Hotfix
TankDamageShadow TowersFarming

This build includes a very overpowered gem.

Scyushi's 36k PR Shadow Hunter Build Tune Up

This is NOT MY BUILD. I got this build from Scyushi's 36k video series.

[BDE] Hotfix Aug 23, 2019
FarmingShadow Towers

Subclass: Dracolyte or Pirate Captain for Magic Find ♥.

Damage Build Hotfix Aug 23, 2019
DamageLevelingFarmingShadow Towers

Lunar Lancer as subclass since he gaves you boost damage (+60 PD).

Speedster Hotfix Aug 23, 2019
FarmingDamageShadow TowersLeveling

I'm trying to make a build that is about speed and damage. If you have any suggestions please say them in the comments so I can customize this build, also please give a reason on why I should change one thing to a different thing. Thank you

Infinite health Lifesteal set Hotfix October 16, 2019
TankShadow Towers

This setup is meant to abuse the feature that makes it so you have to be within a certain percentage of your health to die, :D

Shadowhunter up to date 2020 Into the Deep Hotfix
LevelingShadow TowersDamageFarming

Thats a class made for damage and speed. And it's my favorite class

Shadow Hunter DPS God Shadowy Spotlight

A insane DPS Build for Delves (Better than Ice Saje & Pirate Captain) No Cap🧢🚫

Shadow Hunter FARM God Shadowy Spotlight

A insane FARM build to geode topside and prime worlds.

Zamato-Kun's SH build May Update
DamageFarmingLevelingShadow Towers

Hey guys this is just what i use on this character. Im no pro at all as im just 15k pr so take this information with a grain of salt.

DPS SH Into the Deep Hotfix
Shadow TowersDamageFarming

Standart SH January 9, 2017
FarmingDamageLevelingShadow Towers

Standart shadow Hunter build for any situation

Nelucho's Shadow Hunter March 31 Hotfix
DamageShadow TowersFarming

Speed Farm Shadow Hunter May 2024

Fae Farm SH Maintenance September 18, 2024

D4 Fae World, can go to higher diff world but would be not efficient since fae biome will be harder to find and smaller

Taaaank! Crystal Combat

This build is depends on accuracy. Get every "Heal on hit" stuff and with your class gem, be invincible. You cant hit hard based on other sh's, but you can resist much much longer as long as you hit.

Decent SH Build July 18, 2017
BuildingFarmingShadow TowersDamage

My Shadow Hunter Build Hubdate Hotfix 8
FarmingDamageShadow Towers

ST Shadow Hunter October 17, 2017
DamageShadow Towers

I am not a great class builder but I am publishing this class build for st ! Enjoy and share your opinions in comments ! :)

End game build Going Green
Shadow TowersDamageFarming

This Main build is for Ultra Shadow Tower. If your not a fan of running ST other builds are provided in description.