Shadow Hunter
build by riotblades
added 8 years ago.
This build was updated for
January 2, 2017
Its a good one because i love to play with him.
DamageShadow TowersTankSupport
Stat Priority
% Maximum Health
Maximum Health
Movement Speed

Max Health
Health Regen
% Max Health
Attack Speed

Physical Damage
% Max Health

Max Health
Health Regen
% Max Health
Attack Speed

Physical Damage
Ally and Flasks
Machtrang 20
- 5.0% Angriffstempo
Reduziert die Abklingzeit um 10 %.
Ein Geheimagent, der in Neon City tätig ist.
20 Beherrschungspunkte
Machtrang 50
Stellt bei Verwendung 40 % Gesundheit wieder her.
Kann mit Cubits oder Credits im Shop gekauft werden.
25 Beherrschungspunkte
Empowered Gems
Stinging Curse
Dealing damage applies damage-over-time effects to enemies.
Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of stunning projectiles, briefly disabling affected enemies.
This gem has a cooldown.
Volatile Velocity
Increases the shot speed of any projectile.