Dino Tamer
An accidental traveller of both space and time, the Dino Tamer uses their knowledge of science and technology to survive in an inhospitable primitive world. The Dino Tamer uses ranged attacks consisting of hunting nets, tranquilizer darts and dinosaur allies to defeat foes.
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Dino Tamer"
Preview: w Tower. Clarified the tooltips on Dino Tamer abilities. The Show
Hey Trovians,
PC is back online now after a Delves hotfix!
We're excited for the latest bug fixes to be implemented and preparing for Delves on console! Thanks to all for your reporting, feedback, and for being active on our social channels.
The following patch notes are only affecting the PC version. Here is a brief overview of today's update:
- Delve key fragments are now dropped in Geode Topside worlds.
- Challenge Delves now reset all players to 110 at the beginning of the week rather than decaying by 8 levels.
- The Claims window now sorts the most recent claims on top.
- Fixed an issue where instead of dropping its own memento, the Pirate Cannoneer was dropping a memento for the Crustacean Corsair.
- Magriders should no longer immediately lose momentum when leaving magrails.
- Dracolyte’s ultimate will now persist when reviving or teleporting.
- Lobstroso’s trophy in Delves should now show the correct model.
- Fixed the alignment on trophies for Wraith, Watchful Goardian, Incendiary Iris, Inflammatory Ivy, and the Megaton Marigold.
- Improved messaging related to resetting the Shadow Tower.
- Clarified the tooltips on Dino Tamer abilities.
- The Dazzling Dracolyte costume has now grown a right shin.
Thanks for playing Trove!
Best wishes,
Your Trove team
Preview: worlds. Fixed an issue where the Dino Tamer ultimate would sometimes get stu Show
Bomber Royale Changes
- A couple of potential Bomber Royale maps are currently running on PTS, but may not be included in the final Improvements Update. Please feel free to give feedback on these maps!
- Kill credit is now granted to the most recent player to damage someone if they die from environmental damage or falling within 15 seconds.
- Bomber Royale experience gain has been tuned to award more active, aggressive play. Some experience is now granted based on damage done to other players, and the amount of experience granted for just staying alive has been reduced. Experience for each kill has also been reduced since it is now easier to get credit for kills on players who die from lava or falling. Average experience gain may be lower, but very aggressive and accurate players will be more rewarded.
- The Bomber Royale scoreboard will now show how much damage has been dealt by each player (not including lava bombs).
- Damage Done (not including lava) in Bomber Royale is now also tracked in /metrics.
- In Bomber Royale, there is now an option to spectate the rest of the match. Which living player is being watched can be swapped at any time, and if the current target dies it will automatically swap.
- Fixed a rare issue that could join players to the same team, preventing them from damaging each other.
Club and Adventure Changes
- Clubs can now be reordered in the Club List.
- Primary Clubs will always use channel c1. The other clubs will follow the same order as the Club List.
- An X button has been added to the Liked Worlds UI, allowing players to remove clubs from the Liked Club World list even if the Homeworld Heart has been removed.
- Clubs ranks now have a PresidentialCandidate permission, and only players in ranks with this permission will be considered to replace an AWOL president. If a president is AWOL and there is no one in a rank with the PresidentialCandidate permission who is also not AWOL, then that club will continue to be run by the AWOL president. Note that if a president leaves a club, all bets are off and the server will still pick someone to replace them, even if there is no one in a rank with the PresidentialCandidate permission.
- The Club Adventure “Complete PVP Arena Matches” has been replaced by a new Adventure to throw 100 Bombs in Bomber Royale.
- The Club Adventure “Complete Timed Challenges” has had its required count changed from 10 to 3.
- The Club Adventures "Collect a Chaos Chest" and "Collect Chaos Chests" will no longer grant credit for Chaos Chests acquired from deconstructing other items.
- An /adventurerewards command has been added to show the number of rewards available for various adventure types.
- Adventures can no longer be accepted if they will not grant any rewards. (Note that club XP is considered a reward, so club adventures can be accepted past the 220 limit.)
- Two new dragons have been added to Trove!
- Typhandir, the Sundered Shield can be obtained by collecting Egg fragments from Dark Chaos Vaults and then crafting the egg at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub.
- Typhandir, the Sundered Shield is also available through Golden Dragon Effigies.
- Dark Chaos Vaults an now be crafted at the Chaos Core Crafter Workbench.
- Yzzuli of the Honeybreeze can be obtained by collecting Egg fragments from bee enemies and then crafting the egg at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub.
- The Dormant Lorekeeper Dragon Egg now deconstructs into 5 Lorekeeper Dragon Egg Fragments as opposed to 18 Xinzaya's Tokens.
- Hearty Party Pack 1 has arrived! Thanks to the charitable contributions made by players during Extra Life 2017, this pack contains an un-bee-lievable dragon, Yzzuli of the Honeybreeze, along with 2 costumes, 3 mounts, 1 dancepad, 8 allies, and 9 styles.
- Trion Worlds, Inc. will donate $5,000 for every 700 units sold of Trove Hearty Party Pack 1, up to a maximum amount of US$20,000, to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization located at 205 W 700 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 ). Donations will be made for all eligible packs sold worldwide (excluding SC, AL, IL, and MA) between 12:00 AM PDT, August 7, 2018 through 11:59 pm PDT, September 4, 2018. This contribution is not tax deductible.
- A disclaimer has been added during purchases of packs to remind players that collectibles are automatically unlocked on the purchasing account, and accounts that have already purchased included items will not receive duplicates.
Ice Sage Changes
- The Ice Sage DPS has been increased to be more in line with the other classes in Trove. The Ice Sage's control over multiple enemies has also been improved and expanded. We have switched around the ultimate ability, 'The Big Chill' to make it more of the Ice Sage's normal kit rotation. We felt the ability to freeze muliple targets is unique to the Ice Sage, is a lot of fun and should be available for use more frequently.
- Originally, Frozen Ward was designed to behave like a panic button for when things were not looking good for the Ice Sage. Because the shield lasted indefinitely and provided a DPS increase, it made this ability more of a requirement for the class (due to it lacking DPS overall) and less of a second chance at life.
- While we have moved, 'The Big Chill' to the Ability1 button, we overhauled the way Frozen Ward works, moved it to Ability2 and have made this the class ultimate.
- The Empowered Gem for the Ice Sage, "Pain Freeze" no longer replaces, 'Ice Crash' but now replaces the Basic Attack for the Ice Sage. We felt the way Pain Freeze was originally implemented was a bit too uncontrollable or RNG and didn't really support the existing kit or change the overall class gameplay in a way we were happy with, so it's been changed. The changes to Pain Freeze should help round out the class and support the existing gameplay without making the class gem a "must have" for the class.
- Basic Attack
- The damage of Basic Attack has been increased by 100% to a coefficient of 2.0
- Projectile size increased by 100% (from 0.25 to 0.50 block size)
- Ice Crash
- The damage of Ice Crash has been increased by 17% to a coefficient of 4.5
- Energy cost reduced from 20 to 15
- Ice Crash now chills enemies like Basic Attack, slowing their movement speed for 3.5 seconds
- Ice Crash now attempts to freeze lava blocks, creating water in the process
- The Big Chill
- The Big Chill has been moved to Ability1 and has been replaced by, "Frozen Ward" as the Ice Sage ultimate ability
- Enemies frozen no longer delay damage but take damage immediately
- The Big Chill now lasts 3.5 seconds
- The Big Chill costs 40 energy
- The Big Chill now has a 7s cooldown
- Enemies now take damage over time while frozen
- Initial damage has a coefficient of 3.0
- DoT damage has a coefficient of 0.66
- The Big Chill has a critical coefficient of 0.5
- Frozen Ward
- Frozen Ward has been moved to Ability2 as the Ice Sage ultimate ability, replacing, "The Big Chill"
- Frozen Ward now lasts 6s
- Frozen Ward costs 55 energy
- Frozen Ward now has a 50s cooldown
- Frozen Ward blocks incoming damage by 50% while active
- Frozen Ward movement speed has been increased by 400%
- Magic Damage is increased 100% while Frozen Ward is active
- Attack Speed is increased 400% while Frozen Ward is active
- Ice Sage Empowered Gem, "Pain Freeze"
- Pain Freeze replaces the class passive, "Coldhearted" and Basic Attack
- Pain Freeze basic attack chills enemies, slowing their movement speed. (Like the Ice Sage passive, "Coldhearted")
- Pain Freeze allows Ice Sages to walk across ice without slipping. (Like the Ice Sage passive, "Coldhearted")
- Targets hit three times with Basic Attack while "Pain Freeze" is equipped explode taking additional damage with a coefficient of 4.5
- The first hit from Basic Attack now freezes targets for 1s
- Ice Sage Sub-class Ability
- All tiers of the Ice Sage sub-class shield now include:
- Incoming damage reduced by 10% while active
- Movement speed has been increased by +20
- Magic Damage is increased 20%
- Attack Speed is increased 20%
- Weekly Contest Leaderboards have been reorganized to put similar contests together.
- The Vanguardian is now part of the Weekly Contest Leaderboard rotation.
- The Items Deconstructed contest has been returned to the Weekly Contest Leaderboard rotation. Buying back items will decrement a player’s score on the leaderboard.
- Weekly Contest Leaderboards are now on a 4 week rotation instead of a 5 week rotation. Each week there are now four Class PR Contests instead of three.
- There is a new Bomber Royale Weekly Contest Leaderboard - Weekly Bomber Royale Damage Done. This contest rotates week over week with Weekly Bomber Royale Kills.
- Weekly Contest Leaderboards for Class Power Rank now reward 5 Bound Brilliance at 5000+ Score and 3 Empowered Gem Boxes at 2500+ Score.
New Player Submitted Dungeons and Styles
- New Luminopolis Neon City dungeon from RomyTheCarrot!
- 20 player submitted Hat styles have been added.
- Squashy Lid, a new Uncommon Hat style by Pumkmine!
- Hi-Hat, a new Rare Hat style by Atlas_Sanchez!
- Top Tuber, a new Epic Hat style by NoisyVenom!
- Shallow Skilletry, a new Legendary Hat style by Mew2ian!
- Expansive Mind, a new Relic Hat style by animationman!
- Catnapping Kitty, a new Relic Hat style by Zoe!
- Veiled Vices, a new Shadow Hat style by Gimbly!
- Vulpine Beanie, a new Highlands Hat style by GadgetCAT!
- Glinting Gallivanter, a new Highlands Hat style by Deimondou!
- Tiny Shroom Topper, a new Undead Hat style by Carthago47!
- Perky Penguin, a new Tundra Hat style by Pennry!
- Mini Ice Sage, a new Tundra Hat style by Knightlock!
- Posted Penguin, a new Tundra Hat style by VovKgr!
- Heated Hound Hat, a new Dragon Hat style by Furrek!
- Bandwidth Cap, a new Neon City Hat style by FlaminTNT!
- Sensory Center, a new Neon City Hat style by GogestickCJ!
- Wondrous Wanderer, a new Treasure Isles Hat style by HenrichVonRotenborg!
- Conure Allure, a new Treasure Isles Hat style by Rajeeb!
- Tropi-Cap, a new Treasure Isles Hat style by PillarAngel!
- Boater's Bachi, a new Treasure Isles Hat style by HenrichVonRotenborg!
- 25 player submitted Face styles have been added.
- Horned Horror, a new Rare Face style by xRoBoTx!
- Daring Devilry, a new Legendary Face style by Croissanti!
- Visceral Visor, a new Relic Face style by Cauchemare!
- Solitary Starhopper, a new Resplendent Face style by Keeneen!
- Pallid Prowler, a new Resplendent Face style by Stermo!
- Lupus Lunaris, a new Resplendent Face style by Keeneen!
- Stark Darkness, a new Shadow Face style by Cauchemare!
- Creeping Shadow, a new Shadow Face style by WackyRobert100!
- Warm-Hearted Witch, a new Highlands Face style by Humpypants!
- Vitreous Veil, a new Highlands Face style by Kvoor!
- Gaze of the Golden King, a new Highlands Face style by taliar!
- Cursed Contemplation, a new Undead Face style by zeky!
- Squalling Specter, a new Undead Face style by DancingDragon!
- Floral Façade, a new Fae Face style by Anzy!
- Searing Spray, a new Dragon Face style by UEDTormentor!
- Ashen Pallor, a new Dragon Face style by Cauchemare!
- Kami's Contempt, a new Neon City Face style by AquaX2!
- Micro-Monocle, a new Neon City Face style by Furebel!
- Remote Stare, a new Neon City Face style by Cytorax!
- Rebel Rider, a new Neon City Face style by DakotaSpine!
- Luminous Legacy, a new Neon City Face style by Everscream!
- Fishbowl Lens, a new Treasure Isles Face style by DakotaSpine!
- Mellow Marshian, a new Jurassic Jungle Face style by GriffenL!
- Purple Pacifier, a new Extra Life Face style by Ajo!
- Good Goatee, a new Extra Life Face style by Woo!
- 10 player submitted Melee styles have been added.
- Plain Grain, a new Uncommon Melee style by vipility!
- Diffused Shade, a new Epic Melee style by Kelshiso!
- Hard Unlock, a new Shadow Melee style by OreoKirby!
- Rapping Ribbit, a new Highlands Melee style by Billwilkens!
- Cog Cleaver, a new Frontier Melee style by Stedms!
- Pumpkin Overgrowth, a new Undead Melee style by ZangetsuT!
- Heretic Hatchet, a new Dragon Melee style by Stedms!
- Dragonkin Divider, a new Dragon Melee style by Draganaur!
- Hardlight E-Razor, a new Neon City Melee style by Cicasajt!
- Daimeownt's Decree, a new Neon City Melee style by Stedms!
- 41 player submitted Gun styles have been added.
- Heavy Hydroblaster, a new Rare Gun style by Eagleyley!
- Serum Syringe, a new Rare Gun style by GuyDude1337!
- Lippy Stickler, a new Epic Gun style by AdamantSpartan!
- Raspberry Roaster, a new Legendary Gun style by Linneul!
- Azulian Spitfire, a new Relic Gun style by KobayashiMaru!
- Glim Grapple, a new Relic Gun style by NinkPT!
- Frondly Fire, a new Shadow Gun style by NovusNX!
- Slavering Sandworm, a new Frontier Gun style by Tormental!
- Remote Rockdrill, a new Frontier Gun style by LaFreakki!
- Metal Macawdmiral, a new Frontier Gun style by Praedon!
- Soul Centrifuge, a new Undead Gun style by RikaSigma!
- Skeletaser, a new Undead Gun style by thelunarfox75!
- Freezefoamer, a new Tundra Gun style by Mysandwich!
- Freezing Fangbuster, a new Tundra Gun style by NeoXenon!
- Glacial Cannon, a new Tundra Gun style by Darkboy1010!
- Fae Asparagun, a new Fae Gun style by KuestVire!
- Volcano Vacuum, a new Dragon Gun style by DancingDragon!
- N-Charged Needler, a new Neon City Gun style by ToriE!
- Chemical Quadbarrel, a new Neon City Gun style by Zungry!
- Magnetronic Manipulator, a new Neon City Gun style by ExtrysGO!
- Viridium Velosieger, a new Neon City Gun style by Darkmight242!
- Magnacoil Magnum, a new Neon City Gun style by Elthen!
- Triple Turbolaser, a new Neon City Gun style by Enjoyneering!
- Solid-State Deriver, a new Neon City Gun style by TheGoldenBucket!
- Protoplasmic Drill, a new Neon City Gun style by Shellcat!
- Vulcannon Mk. V, a new Neon City Gun style by Volgaria!
- Strawbully Shotgun, a new Candy Gun style by exone!
- Purpurine Piestole, a new Candy Gun style by Lennyways!
- Strawberry Gum Gun, a new Candy Gun style by Stermo!
- Blueberry Chocone, a new Candy Gun style by BlazzenOnthaKayyak!
- Sunreach Sniper, a new Radiant Gun style by Ketchi!
- Brightblade Baselard, a new Radiant Gun style by magicbat!
- Sun Popper, a new Radiant Gun style by thatsea251!
- Aurion Ascender, a new Radiant Gun style by Lordaloa!
- Bronzed Bulleteer, a new Treasure Isles Gun style by MadMalGuy!
- Meteor Matchstick, a new Jurassic Jungle Gun style by Bart!
- Thunderclaw, a new Forbidden Spires Gun style by Jedimario!
- Yin Bang, a new Forbidden Spires Gun style by Dodger7777!
- Pyrotechnics Package, a new Forbidden Spires Gun style by GuyDude1337!
- Long Long, a new Forbidden Spires Gun style by JupeFin!
- Porky Pew-Pewer, a new Extra Life Gun style by Highlancer54!
- 8 player submitted Bow styles have been added.
- Fletch Ringer, a new Epic Bow style by Legodriel!
- Tinder Twig Bow, a new Frontier Bow style by BasicEgg!
- Webwing Witchbow, a new Undead Bow style by KinoyoK!
- Idle Vocalizer, a new Neon City Bow style by GadgetCAT!
- Goat'Guud's Gatling Bow, a new Candy Bow style by Zilten!
- Orange Slayer Cake Slice, a new Candy Bow style by forenmagra!
- Masted Bow, a new Treasure Isles Bow style by Rossaroni!
- Whirling Windwheel, a new Forbidden Spires Bow style by Squiddy_101!
- 19 player submitted Staff styles have been added.
- Love-Laced Counting Rod, a new Resplendent Staff style by Caspersaur!
- Shandri's Shardwand, a new Resplendent Staff style by Kive10!
- Classy Key, a new Shadow Staff style by OreoKirby!
- Phased Cadence, a new Shadow Staff style by Lurax!
- Lightless Lapse, a new Shadow Staff style by OreoKirby!
- Unseemly End, a new Shadow Staff style by Zlender02!
- Chloromancer's Corsage, a new Highlands Staff style by IIEERRAA!
- Frontier Spring, a new Frontier Staff style by Shmebulock666!
- Desert Dowser, a new Frontier Staff style by Sailor_Hatan!
- Steam Wizstle, a new Frontier Staff style by Thenqwe!
- Darkshroom Dweomerant, a new Undead Staff style by Devilswarchild!
- Starcaller Standard, a new Tundra Staff style by BorgoMadonno!
- Toothy Totem, a new Fae Staff style by Jrlegoman!
- Lava Lake Paddle, a new Dragon Staff style by UnikGod!
- Horned Hexstaff, a new Dragon Staff style by Demirion!
- Faith's Flamebearer, a new Dragon Staff style by Geoff!
- Smoldering Surprise, a new Dragon Staff style by FiannaTiger!
- Serpent's Spark, a new Dragon Staff style by snake_bumble!
- Beholden Balecaster, a new Dragon Staff style by Jeranydus!
- Portable Portalizer, a new Neon City Staff style by MasterFader!
- 39 player submitted Spear styles have been added.
- Faithful Facemelter, a new Epic Spear style by Zurcio!
- Winged Goad, a new Legendary Spear style by Laegh!
- Subdued Sunspear, a new Relic Spear style by RazorousTheRogue!
- Prime-Pronged Piercer, a new Relic Spear style by Croissanti!
- Shining Seraph, a new Resplendent Spear style by LordAlora!
- Aurym's Allegory, a new Resplendent Spear style by Vadosk!
- Seized and Deceased, a new Shadow Spear style by MoFenrir!
- Star Darkener, a new Shadow Spear style by OreoKirby!
- Bonkers Bonker, a new Shadow Spear style by Zsword!
- Harbinger Halberd, a new Shadow Spear style by PhotonMuffin!
- Tentacular Trident, a new Shadow Spear style by Vadosk!
- Dread Darkcandle, a new Shadow Spear style by Vadosk!
- Siranjar's Last Wish, a new Highlands Spear style by Spirare!
- Spiked Sunmace, a new Highlands Spear style by PolacekX3!
- Telescoping Tine, a new Frontier Spear style by MCCrash!
- Rancor's Rune, a new Undead Spear style by Fcois_ini83!
- Hangnail Hook, a new Undead Spear style by superdog71!
- Ceaseless Stricture, a new Undead Spear style by LongInteger!
- Slush Pylon, a new Tundra Spear style by BiBinca!
- Galenor's Scalance, a new Tundra Spear style by Kryssot!
- Frozen Envy, a new Tundra Spear style by zJustSimple!
- Green Glaivelle, a new Fae Spear style by Twiglest!
- Bine Billhook, a new Fae Spear style by Mon1erca1!
- FyrFalkan, a new Dragon Spear style by Jupefin!
- Torchentine, a new Dragon Spear style by Evilagician!
- Radiating iRod, a new Neon City Spear style by Dexical!
- Khangyar of Fervor, a new Neon City Spear style by Twiglest!
- Lightcasting Luminlance, a new Neon City Spear style by Everscream!
- Neon Needle, a new Neon City Spear style by Galahad07!
- Buggy Botzapper, a new Neon City Spear style by Tomborius!
- Song of Sanctuary, a new Radiant Spear style by vadosk!
- Sunsheen Spear, a new Radiant Spear style by PolacekX3!
- Sunshimmer, a new Radiant Spear style by Praedon!
- Bitone Beak, a new Treasure Isles Spear style by Praedon!
- Bait and Stitch, a new Treasure Isles Spear style by EdgeG!
- Teeny Pterodactyl, a new Treasure Isles Spear style by BillWilkens!
- Brand of Banishment, a new Forbidden Spires Spear style by Jupefin!
- Dissident Dragontongue, a new Forbidden Spires Spear style by Kentuky!
- Jadeleaf Janga, a new Forbidden Spires Spear style by Zsword!
Additional Updates
- Made many server optimizations and reduced the amount of data sent back and forth between the client and server. This will moderately reduce lag.
- An option to make cornerstones undamageable by bombs and abilities has been added to the Miscellaneous tab under Settings.
- Added an option in the Miscellaneous tab under Settings to set the minimum rarity of gear that will be picked up when holding the Loot hotkey.
- The +50% Crystal Gathering Potion now increases Crystal drops by 50% from Crystal Pinatas, Lesser and Greater Crystal Caches.
- A sort button has been added for personal chests and inventory.
- Players can now pick their displayed name colors from a list of earned colors. This list can be accessed next to the name on the character sheet.
- There is now a toggle on the box opening UI that allows players to open chests until a rare result occurs.
- The Geode Hub now has a map.
- Reduced the time it takes for cave critters to reward the player with Lesser Crystal Caches by approximately 75%.
- Opening the Collections panel from the Character Sheet will now default to "Show Favorites" instead of "Hide Uncollected". If no Favorites are assigned for a given category, it will fall back to show all the collected items instead, as it did before.
- The Marketplace now has a Resell option.
- Camera distance will now be saved when switching between worlds.
- Fixed an issue where the Dino Tamer ultimate would sometimes get stuck.
- Damage numbers have been added to the Faerie Dance ability for Fae Trickster.
- Fixed an issue preventing Za’hadeen from working with the Fae Trickster Subclass ability.
- Tweaked the damage size for Vanguardian ranged attacks.
- 30 enemy Cursed Skulls have been altered to spawn in three waves of ten creatures versus the old method of spawning six waves of five creatures.
- The loot collector will now also include items in the currency inventory.
- Items in the currency inventory should no longer deconstruct in to 100 glim.
- The scroll speed for merchant stores has been increased.
- Looting equipment while in Build Mode will no longer auto equip the item.
- The error message received when attempting to equip a gem with an already equipped effect is now more accurate.
- Plants will now grow in any season.
- A Chocolate Sponge has been added to the top tier of Gardening. Note that Chocolate blocks are not required for any plant.
- Water can no longer destroy anti-gravity blocks.
- Fixed a typo for the Hoarfiend Hornbow.
- Messages about receiving 0 Geode Mastery should no longer be displayed.
- Fixed an issue where the skybox flickers when changing zones.
Preview: worlds. Fixed an issue where the Dino Tamer ultimate would sometimes get stu Show
Bomber Royale Changes
- Kill credit is now granted to the most recent player to damage someone if they die from environmental damage or falling within 15 seconds.
- Bomber Royale experience gain has been tuned to award more active, aggressive play. Some experience is now granted based on damage done to other players, and the amount of experience granted for just staying alive has been reduced. Experience for each kill has also been reduced since it is now easier to get credit for kills on players who die from lava or falling. Average experience gain may be lower, but very aggressive and accurate players will be more rewarded.
- The Bomber Royale scoreboard will now show how much damage has been dealt by each player (not including lava bombs).
- Damage Done (not including lava) in Bomber Royale is now also tracked in /metrics.
- In Bomber Royale, there is now an option to spectate the rest of the match. Which living player is being watched can be swapped at any time, and if the current target dies it will automatically swap.
- Fixed a rare issue that could join players to the same team, preventing them from damaging each other.
- (PS4 and Xbox only) The Bomber Royale scoreboard no longer prevents opening chat or the character sheet.
Club and Adventure Changes
- Clubs can now be reordered in the Club List.
- Primary Clubs will always use chat channel c1. The other clubs will follow the same order as the Club List.
- An X button has been added to the Liked Worlds UI, allowing players to remove clubs from the Liked Club World list even if the Homeworld Heart has been removed.
- Clubs ranks now have a PresidentialCandidate permission, and only players in ranks with this permission will be considered to replace an AWOL president. If a president is AWOL and there is no one in a rank with the PresidentialCandidate permission who is also not AWOL, then that club will continue to be run by the AWOL president. Note that if a president leaves a club, all bets are off and the server will still pick someone to replace them, even if there is no one in a rank with the PresidentialCandidate permission.
- The Club Adventure “Complete PVP Arena Matches” has been replaced by a new Adventure to throw 100 Bombs in Bomber Royale.
- The Club Adventure “Complete Timed Challenges” has had its required count changed from 10 to 3.
- The Club Adventures "Collect a Chaos Chest" and "Collect Chaos Chests" will no longer grant credit for Chaos Chests acquired from deconstructing other items.
- An /adventurerewards command has been added to show the number of rewards available for various adventure types.
- Adventures can no longer be accepted if they will not grant any rewards. (Note that club XP is considered a reward, so club adventures can be accepted past the 220 limit.)
- Two new dragons have been added to Trove!
- Typhandir, the Sundered Shield can be obtained by collecting Egg fragments from Dark Chaos Vaults and then crafting the egg at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub.
- Typhandir, the Sundered Shield is also available through Golden Dragon Effigies.
- Dark Chaos Vaults an now be crafted at the Chaos Core Crafter Workbench.
- Yzzuli of the Honeybreeze can be obtained by collecting Egg fragments from bee enemies and then crafting the egg at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub.
- Xendri, the Arc Tempest, realizing he was lagging behind his siblings in power, made his case to Celetial Paragon Zehira to increase his power. He now grants energy regen and maximum health in addition to a maximum energy increase and magic find, bringing him more in line with his brethren.
- The Dormant Lorekeeper Dragon Egg now deconstructs into 5 Lorekeeper Dragon Egg Fragments as opposed to 18 Xinzaya's Tokens.
- Hearty Party Pack 1 has arrived! Thanks to the charitable contributions made by players during Extra Life 2017, this pack contains an un-bee-lievable dragon, Yzzuli of the Honeybreeze, along with 2 costumes, 3 mounts, 1 dancepad, 8 allies, and 9 styles.
- Trion Worlds, Inc. will donate $5,000 for every 700 units sold of Trove Hearty Party Pack 1, up to a maximum amount of US$20,000, to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization located at 205 W 700 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 ). Donations will be made for all eligible packs sold worldwide (excluding SC, AL, IL, and MA) between 12:00 AM PDT, August 7, 2018 through 11:59 pm PDT, September 4, 2018. This contribution is not tax deductible.
- A disclaimer has been added during purchases of packs to remind players that collectibles are automatically unlocked on the purchasing account, and accounts that have already purchased included items will not receive duplicates.
Ice Sage Changes
- Basic Attack
- The damage of Basic Attack has been increased to a coefficient of 2.5.
- Projectile size increased by 100% (from 0.25 to 0.50 block size).
- Ice Crash
- The damage of Ice Crash has been increased to a coefficient of 6.0.
- Energy cost reduced from 20 to 15.
- Ice Crash now chills enemies like Basic Attack, slowing their movement speed for 3.5 seconds.
- Ice Crash now attempts to freeze lava blocks, creating water in the process.
- The Big Chill
- The Big Chill has been moved to Ability1 and has been replaced by, "Frozen Ward" as the Ice Sage ultimate ability.
- Enemies frozen no longer delay damage but take damage immediately.
- The Big Chill now lasts 3.5 seconds.
- The Big Chill costs 40 energy.
- The Big Chill now has a 7s cooldown.
- Enemies now take damage over time while frozen.
- Initial damage has a coefficient of 3.0.
- DoT damage has a coefficient of 0.66.
- The Big Chill has a critical coefficient of 0.5.
- Frozen Ward
- Frozen Ward has been moved to Ability2 as the Ice Sage ultimate ability, replacing, "The Big Chill".
- Frozen Ward now lasts 5s.
- Frozen Ward costs 55 energy.
- Frozen Ward now has a 30s cooldown.
- Frozen Ward absorbs damage received greater than 50% of HP.
- Frozen Ward movement speed has been increased by 400%.
- Magic Damage is increased 100% while Frozen Ward is active.
- Attack Speed is increased 400% while Frozen Ward is active.
- Ice Sage Empowered Gem, "Pain Freeze"
- Pain Freeze replaces the class passive, "Coldhearted" and Basic Attack.
- Pain Freeze basic attack chills enemies, slowing their movement speed. (Like the Ice Sage passive, "Coldhearted").
- Pain Freeze allows Ice Sages to walk across ice without slipping. (Like the Ice Sage passive, "Coldhearted").
- Targets hit three times with Basic Attack while "Pain Freeze" is equipped explode taking additional damage with a coefficient of 4.5.
- The first hit from Basic Attack now freezes targets for 1s.
- Ice Sage Sub-class Ability
- All tiers of the Ice Sage sub-class shield now include:
- Incoming damage reduced by 10% while active.
- Movement speed has been increased by +20.
- Magic Damage is increased 20%.
- Attack Speed is increased 20%.
- Weekly Contest Leaderboards have been reorganized to put similar contests together.
- The Vanguardian is now part of the Weekly Contest Leaderboard rotation.
- Weekly Contest Leaderboards are now on a 4 week rotation instead of a 5 week rotation. Each week there are now four Class PR Contests instead of three.
- There is a new Bomber Royale Weekly Contest Leaderboard - Weekly Bomber Royale Damage Done. This contest rotates week over week with Weekly Bomber Royale Kills.
- Weekly Contest Leaderboards for Class Power Rank now reward 5 Bound Brilliance at 5000+ Score and 3 Empowered Gem Boxes at 2500+ Score.
New Player Submitted Styles
- 20 player submitted Hat styles have been added.
- Squashy Lid, a new Uncommon Hat style by Pumkmine!
- Hi-Hat, a new Rare Hat style by Atlas_Sanchez!
- Top Tuber, a new Epic Hat style by NoisyVenom!
- Shallow Skilletry, a new Legendary Hat style by Mew2ian!
- Expansive Mind, a new Relic Hat style by animationman!
- Catnapping Kitty, a new Relic Hat style by Zoe!
- Veiled Vices, a new Shadow Hat style by Gimbly!
- Vulpine Beanie, a new Highlands Hat style by GadgetCAT!
- Glinting Gallivanter, a new Highlands Hat style by Deimondou!
- Tiny Shroom Topper, a new Undead Hat style by Carthago47!
- Perky Penguin, a new Tundra Hat style by Pennry!
- Mini Ice Sage, a new Tundra Hat style by Knightlock!
- Posted Penguin, a new Tundra Hat style by VovKgr!
- Heated Hound Hat, a new Dragon Hat style by Furrek!
- Bandwidth Cap, a new Neon City Hat style by FlaminTNT!
- Sensory Center, a new Neon City Hat style by GogestickCJ!
- Wondrous Wanderer, a new Treasure Isles Hat style by HenrichVonRotenborg!
- Conure Allure, a new Treasure Isles Hat style by Rajeeb!
- Tropi-Cap, a new Treasure Isles Hat style by PillarAngel!
- Boater's Bachi, a new Treasure Isles Hat style by HenrichVonRotenborg!
- 25 player submitted Face styles have been added.
- Horned Horror, a new Rare Face style by xRoBoTx!
- Daring Devilry, a new Legendary Face style by Croissanti!
- Visceral Visor, a new Relic Face style by Cauchemare!
- Solitary Starhopper, a new Resplendent Face style by Keeneen!
- Pallid Prowler, a new Resplendent Face style by Stermo!
- Lupus Lunaris, a new Resplendent Face style by Keeneen!
- Stark Darkness, a new Shadow Face style by Cauchemare!
- Creeping Shadow, a new Shadow Face style by WackyRobert100!
- Warm-Hearted Witch, a new Highlands Face style by Humpypants!
- Vitreous Veil, a new Highlands Face style by Kvoor!
- Gaze of the Golden King, a new Highlands Face style by taliar!
- Cursed Contemplation, a new Undead Face style by zeky!
- Squalling Specter, a new Undead Face style by DancingDragon!
- Floral Façade, a new Fae Face style by Anzy!
- Searing Spray, a new Dragon Face style by UEDTormentor!
- Ashen Pallor, a new Dragon Face style by Cauchemare!
- Kami's Contempt, a new Neon City Face style by AquaX2!
- Micro-Monocle, a new Neon City Face style by Furebel!
- Remote Stare, a new Neon City Face style by Cytorax!
- Rebel Rider, a new Neon City Face style by DakotaSpine!
- Luminous Legacy, a new Neon City Face style by Everscream!
- Fishbowl Lens, a new Treasure Isles Face style by DakotaSpine!
- Mellow Marshian, a new Jurassic Jungle Face style by GriffenL!
- Purple Pacifier, a new Extra Life Face style by Ajo!
- Good Goatee, a new Extra Life Face style by Woo!
- 10 player submitted Melee styles have been added.
- Plain Grain, a new Uncommon Melee style by vipility!
- Diffused Shade, a new Epic Melee style by Kelshiso!
- Hard Unlock, a new Shadow Melee style by OreoKirby!
- Rapping Ribbit, a new Highlands Melee style by Billwilkens!
- Cog Cleaver, a new Frontier Melee style by Stedms!
- Pumpkin Overgrowth, a new Undead Melee style by ZangetsuT!
- Heretic Hatchet, a new Dragon Melee style by Stedms!
- Dragonkin Divider, a new Dragon Melee style by Draganaur!
- Hardlight E-Razor, a new Neon City Melee style by Cicasajt!
- Daimeownt's Decree, a new Neon City Melee style by Stedms!
- 41 player submitted Gun styles have been added.
- Heavy Hydroblaster, a new Rare Gun style by Eagleyley!
- Serum Syringe, a new Rare Gun style by GuyDude1337!
- Lippy Stickler, a new Epic Gun style by AdamantSpartan!
- Raspberry Roaster, a new Legendary Gun style by Linneul!
- Azulian Spitfire, a new Relic Gun style by KobayashiMaru!
- Glim Grapple, a new Relic Gun style by NinkPT!
- Frondly Fire, a new Shadow Gun style by NovusNX!
- Slavering Sandworm, a new Frontier Gun style by Tormental!
- Remote Rockdrill, a new Frontier Gun style by LaFreakki!
- Metal Macawdmiral, a new Frontier Gun style by Praedon!
- Soul Centrifuge, a new Undead Gun style by RikaSigma!
- Skeletaser, a new Undead Gun style by thelunarfox75!
- Freezefoamer, a new Tundra Gun style by Mysandwich!
- Freezing Fangbuster, a new Tundra Gun style by NeoXenon!
- Glacial Cannon, a new Tundra Gun style by Darkboy1010!
- Fae Asparagun, a new Fae Gun style by KuestVire!
- Volcano Vacuum, a new Dragon Gun style by DancingDragon!
- N-Charged Needler, a new Neon City Gun style by ToriE!
- Chemical Quadbarrel, a new Neon City Gun style by Zungry!
- Magnetronic Manipulator, a new Neon City Gun style by ExtrysGO!
- Viridium Velosieger, a new Neon City Gun style by Darkmight242!
- Magnacoil Magnum, a new Neon City Gun style by Elthen!
- Triple Turbolaser, a new Neon City Gun style by Enjoyneering!
- Solid-State Deriver, a new Neon City Gun style by TheGoldenBucket!
- Protoplasmic Drill, a new Neon City Gun style by Shellcat!
- Vulcannon Mk. V, a new Neon City Gun style by Volgaria!
- Strawbully Shotgun, a new Candy Gun style by exone!
- Purpurine Piestole, a new Candy Gun style by Lennyways!
- Strawberry Gum Gun, a new Candy Gun style by Stermo!
- Blueberry Chocone, a new Candy Gun style by BlazzenOnthaKayyak!
- Sunreach Sniper, a new Radiant Gun style by Ketchi!
- Brightblade Baselard, a new Radiant Gun style by magicbat!
- Sun Popper, a new Radiant Gun style by thatsea251!
- Aurion Ascender, a new Radiant Gun style by Lordaloa!
- Bronzed Bulleteer, a new Treasure Isles Gun style by MadMalGuy!
- Meteor Matchstick, a new Jurassic Jungle Gun style by Bart!
- Thunderclaw, a new Forbidden Spires Gun style by Jedimario!
- Yin Bang, a new Forbidden Spires Gun style by Dodger7777!
- Pyrotechnics Package, a new Forbidden Spires Gun style by GuyDude1337!
- Long Long, a new Forbidden Spires Gun style by JupeFin!
- Porky Pew-Pewer, a new Extra Life Gun style by Highlancer54!
- 8 player submitted Bow styles have been added.
- Fletch Ringer, a new Epic Bow style by Legodriel!
- Tinder Twig Bow, a new Frontier Bow style by BasicEgg!
- Webwing Witchbow, a new Undead Bow style by KinoyoK!
- Idle Vocalizer, a new Neon City Bow style by GadgetCAT!
- Goat'Guud's Gatling Bow, a new Candy Bow style by Zilten!
- Orange Slayer Cake Slice, a new Candy Bow style by forenmagra!
- Masted Bow, a new Treasure Isles Bow style by Rossaroni!
- Whirling Windwheel, a new Forbidden Spires Bow style by Squiddy_101!
- 19 player submitted Staff styles have been added.
- Love-Laced Counting Rod, a new Resplendent Staff style by Caspersaur!
- Shandri's Shardwand, a new Resplendent Staff style by Kive10!
- Classy Key, a new Shadow Staff style by OreoKirby!
- Phased Cadence, a new Shadow Staff style by Lurax!
- Lightless Lapse, a new Shadow Staff style by OreoKirby!
- Unseemly End, a new Shadow Staff style by Zlender02!
- Chloromancer's Corsage, a new Highlands Staff style by IIEERRAA!
- Frontier Spring, a new Frontier Staff style by Shmebulock666!
- Desert Dowser, a new Frontier Staff style by Sailor_Hatan!
- Steam Wizstle, a new Frontier Staff style by Thenqwe!
- Darkshroom Dweomerant, a new Undead Staff style by Devilswarchild!
- Starcaller Standard, a new Tundra Staff style by BorgoMadonno!
- Toothy Totem, a new Fae Staff style by Jrlegoman!
- Lava Lake Paddle, a new Dragon Staff style by UnikGod!
- Horned Hexstaff, a new Dragon Staff style by Demirion!
- Faith's Flamebearer, a new Dragon Staff style by Geoff!
- Smoldering Surprise, a new Dragon Staff style by FiannaTiger!
- Serpent's Spark, a new Dragon Staff style by snake_bumble!
- Beholden Balecaster, a new Dragon Staff style by Jeranydus!
- Portable Portalizer, a new Neon City Staff style by MasterFader!
- 39 player submitted Spear styles have been added.
- Faithful Facemelter, a new Epic Spear style by Zurcio!
- Winged Goad, a new Legendary Spear style by Laegh!
- Subdued Sunspear, a new Relic Spear style by RazorousTheRogue!
- Prime-Pronged Piercer, a new Relic Spear style by Croissanti!
- Shining Seraph, a new Resplendent Spear style by LordAlora!
- Aurym's Allegory, a new Resplendent Spear style by Vadosk!
- Seized and Deceased, a new Shadow Spear style by MoFenrir!
- Star Darkener, a new Shadow Spear style by OreoKirby!
- Bonkers Bonker, a new Shadow Spear style by Zsword!
- Harbinger Halberd, a new Shadow Spear style by PhotonMuffin!
- Tentacular Trident, a new Shadow Spear style by Vadosk!
- Dread Darkcandle, a new Shadow Spear style by Vadosk!
- Siranjar's Last Wish, a new Highlands Spear style by Spirare!
- Spiked Sunmace, a new Highlands Spear style by PolacekX3!
- Telescoping Tine, a new Frontier Spear style by MCCrash!
- Rancor's Rune, a new Undead Spear style by Fcois_ini83!
- Hangnail Hook, a new Undead Spear style by superdog71!
- Ceaseless Stricture, a new Undead Spear style by LongInteger!
- Slush Pylon, a new Tundra Spear style by BiBinca!
- Galenor's Scalance, a new Tundra Spear style by Kryssot!
- Frozen Envy, a new Tundra Spear style by zJustSimple!
- Green Glaivelle, a new Fae Spear style by Twiglest!
- Bine Billhook, a new Fae Spear style by Mon1erca1!
- FyrFalkan, a new Dragon Spear style by Jupefin!
- Torchentine, a new Dragon Spear style by Evilagician!
- Radiating iRod, a new Neon City Spear style by Dexical!
- Khangyar of Fervor, a new Neon City Spear style by Twiglest!
- Lightcasting Luminlance, a new Neon City Spear style by Everscream!
- Neon Needle, a new Neon City Spear style by Galahad07!
- Buggy Botzapper, a new Neon City Spear style by Tomborius!
- Song of Sanctuary, a new Radiant Spear style by vadosk!
- Sunsheen Spear, a new Radiant Spear style by PolacekX3!
- Sunshimmer, a new Radiant Spear style by Praedon!
- Bitone Beak, a new Treasure Isles Spear style by Praedon!
- Bait and Stitch, a new Treasure Isles Spear style by EdgeG!
- Teeny Pterodactyl, a new Treasure Isles Spear style by BillWilkens!
- Brand of Banishment, a new Forbidden Spires Spear style by Jupefin!
- Dissident Dragontongue, a new Forbidden Spires Spear style by Kentuky!
- Jadeleaf Janga, a new Forbidden Spires Spear style by Zsword!
Additional Updates
- Made many server optimizations and reduced the amount of data sent back and forth between the client and server. This will moderately reduce lag.
- An option to make cornerstones undamageable by bombs and abilities has been added to the Miscellaneous tab under Settings.
- Added an option in the Miscellaneous tab under Settings to set the minimum rarity of gear that will be picked up when holding the Loot hotkey.
- The +50% Crystal Gathering Potion now increases Crystal drops by 50% from Crystal Pinatas, Lesser and Greater Crystal Caches.
- A sort button has been added for personal chests and inventory.
- Players can now pick their displayed name colors from a list of earned colors. This list can be accessed next to the name on the character sheet.
- There is now a toggle on the box opening UI that allows players to open chests until a rare result occurs.
- The Geode Hub now has a map.
- The player's icon should now appear over other players on the map.
- Reduced the time it takes for cave critters to reward the player with Lesser Crystal Caches by approximately 75%.
- Opening the Collections panel from the Character Sheet will now default to "Show Favorites" instead of "Hide Uncollected". If no Favorites are assigned for a given category, it will fall back to show all the collected items instead, as it did before.
- The Marketplace now has a Resell option.
- Camera distance will now be saved when switching between worlds.
- Fixed an issue where the Dino Tamer ultimate would sometimes get stuck.
- Damage numbers have been added to the Faerie Dance ability for Fae Trickster.
- Fixed an issue preventing Za’hadeen from working with the Fae Trickster Subclass ability.
- Tweaked the damage size for Vanguardian ranged attacks.
- 30 enemy Cursed Skulls have been altered to spawn in three waves of ten creatures versus the old method of spawning six waves of five creatures.
- The loot collector will now also include items in the currency inventory.
- Items in the currency inventory should no longer deconstruct in to 100 glim.
- The scroll speed for merchant stores has been increased.
- Looting equipment while in Build Mode will no longer auto equip the item.
- The error message received when attempting to equip a gem with an already equipped effect is now more accurate.
- Additional Mastery Sigils have been added.
- Plants will now grow in any season.
- A Chocolate Sponge has been added to the top tier of Gardening. Note that Chocolate blocks are not required for any plant.
- Double PVP Experience has been removed from the weekly bonus rotation after the current week - it only affects the old Battle Arenas, so the event has been confusing for some players. Bomber Royale is affected by the normal Double Experience weekly bonus instead.
- Water can no longer destroy anti-gravity blocks.
- Rare bird deco drops and epic bear deco drops have had their displayed rarity set to Common so they will automatically be looted and won't leave behind extra floating objects. Note that this only affects their displayed rarity and not their drop rate.
- Fixed a typo for the Hoarfiend Hornbow.
- Messages about receiving 0 Geode Mastery should no longer be displayed.
- Fixed an issue where the skybox flickers when changing zones.
Preview: tance shields didn't resist damage from the Dino Tamer and Vanguardian. The To Show
Additional Updates
- (PS4 Only) Fixed some issues causing serious graphical corruption and client crashes.
- Fixed a potential crash when zoning and pressing a button.
- Fixed bug where you could get stuck in the tutorial when dismounting your Mag Rider.
- Updated the Splash Screens and Loading Screens with the Trove: Heroes artwork!
- Luxion has learnt from the Dhevs, and has hardened his armor against ladybugs.
- Fixed a bug with Lunar Lancer's Throw that teleported players to the spear's location if they transformed shortly after throwing it.
- Fixed bug where the Darknik Dreadnought's resistance shields didn't resist damage from the Dino Tamer and Vanguardian.
- The Total Power Rank Leaderboard now includes the Vanguardian class.
- The following costume issues will be solved for players who already own them by the end of the week:
- The Digital Daemon Dreadsabre is now granted by the Digital Daemon item as well as the recipe.
- The Resistor Vanguard Crash Helmet is now granted by the Resistor Vanguard item as well as the recipe.
- The Kami Animist Stonehelm and Kami Animist Corvigne are now granted by the Kami Animist item and the recipe.
- Blockchain items on the Resistor Workbench now have a description that reads "Decor item only - has no additional value."
- Ganda Coins have been renamed to Skygold Coins.
- Fix an incorrect price being displayed for inventory expansions.
- The 33 Greater Neon Caches product in the Store now correctly references the Flashing Neon Cache that was always included.
- The descriptive text on the various free Class Coins now better explain what classes they can unlock.
- The Club Renamer Tag now correctly refers to Club Presidents instead of club leaders.
- C455_ANDRA should no longer jitter when pathing around Luminopolis.
- Fixed the Vanguardian’s fishing pole orientation.
- Neon City Luminopolis Terraformers will now generate terrain that has the correct clouds and music. Luminopolis terrain generated before this fix are now unfortunate curiosities for the connoisseur of trovian travel.
The Dino Tamer song was a huge boost. Especially after it won the Grammy.
— Trove (@TroveGame) December 18, 2017
RE: Dino Tamer
Net starts off with a 20% chance to spawn and increases to 30% as your PR increases.
The root effect currently lasts for 2s.
We're open to constructive suggestions on how to improve this passive if you have any.
Preview: passive healing fairy by 100%. The Dino Tamer sub-class passive stat has been Show
Additional Updates
- Corrected the icon for the Tome of Bound Brilliance.
- The issue with the Knight rapidly swinging the primary attack after a charge has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to go to Dragonfire Peaks (Uber 5) instead of the Shadow Tower Lobby.
- Fixed wide power ranks being cut off in the Select A Class UI.
- Swapping subclasses is prevented during a Shadow Tower boss fight.
- The Maelstrom Monitor mount now properly credits Ainogommon as the creator.
- Tomb Raiser sub-class changes:
- Skeleton, Shadow Knight and Goliath health increased 5x to make them more "beefy"
- Chance to spawn a pet on kill increased to 30%
- The ground based movement speed buff for the Knight sub-class has been increased.
- Tomb Raiser sub-class pets now show damage numbers.
Pending Updates
- These updates are not currently in this build, but will be forthcoming:
- Increased the heal of the Boomeranger sub-class passive healing fairy by 100%.
- The Dino Tamer sub-class passive stat has been reduced by 50% to decrease the potential for some classes to reach the attack speed cap.
- The Fae Trickster sub-class passive, 'Sparkle Grenade' will now crit.
Preview: istoric foes, and knock blocks off with the Dino Tamer class! Dino At Show
Dive headlong into a new adventure now that Trove’s Megalithic Update is here! Take on new challenges with Minigames, travel lands that time forgot with the Jurassic Jungle, face off against new prehistoric foes, and knock blocks off with the Dino Tamer class!
Dino Attack!
We’re celebrating the Megalithic launch with a brand new two week event – Dino Attack! Join us for special daily login rewards, nine all-new quests to fight off these cold-blooded invaders, and the sense of accomplishment you get from saving your home from invading dinosaurs, just like IRL.
Extra Life
In addition to the dynamic dino action we’re also thrilled to introduce the Mega Menagerie pack to support Extra Life! Learn more about what this pack contains and how you can help us support the Children’s Miracle Network by clicking here.
Unleashed Chaos
Chaos Chests can be picked up as free drops from bosses in dungeons. Chaos Chests may contain Chaos Cores which can be used to craft every class in Trove as well as costumes, allies, wings, and mounts!
So Much More!
On top of all that we’ve got even more epicness to share:
- A whole slew of new dragons land on consoles!
- Starting in July we’ve revamped our daily login rewards to give you more control over what loot you choose to unlock.
- Trove is now fully translated into both French and German for Trovians who play on consoles. If your console is set to FR or DE languages Trove will be in those languages automatically.
There is too much amazing stuff left to show off! Check out our PC or console patch notes for a full rundown of the Megalithic Update.
Whether you’re new to Trove, or returning to your journey, there has never been a better time to dive into the adventure!
Preview: New Class, New BiomeThe Dino Tamer class is here and it’s din Show
New Class, New Biome
- The Dino Tamer class is here and it’s dino-mite! Learn more about the latest Trove class in our Dino Tamer preview!
- Get a blast from the past with the Jurassic Jungle biome. This new biome is loaded with all new enemies.
- Archeosaurus
- Therizinosaurus
- Troglodyte
- The Tyrannosaurus Rex is a rare spawn with a damage buff and a big health pool so bring some friends if you want to take it on!
- Inora, Flame of Enlightenment, is now live! Designed by GYNLBart.
- The Dormant Wisdom Dragon Egg used to craft Inora can be obtained from the Merchant of Wonders for 5,000 Fragments of Wonder.
- Three new dragons have appeared! Hunt them down in Trove to acquire fragments of their eggs. Use those fragments at the Dragon Crucible to craft your very own dragon mount!
- Dracocolatl, the Mellower (designed by community member TeeKayM) has been spotted around Candoria!
- Avast! There be dragons here! The terrible and relentless Flakbeard, the Relentless has been spotted guarding his booty in the Treasure Isles! Yarrrrr!
- The great and ancient aquatic wyrm Thallasion, Shaper of the Currents now resides within the deep blue sea!
- Some other legendary dragons can now be obtained using Golden Eggs from Greater Dragon Caches or the Dragon Effigy (found in the Weekly Dragon Deal).
- Drak-o-Lantern
- Tysorion, Steward of New Beginnings
- Tannenbomber, the Harbinger of Tidings
- You can now craft a Diamond Dragon Egg (used to unlock Primordial Dragons) at the Dragon Crucible using Diamond Dragonite!
- Diamond Dragonite can be obtained via the new daily contest for total Power Rank, from events, in the Trove Store, and also a very, very rare tradable world drop 'Diamond Dragonite Pouch'.
- Daily Dragonite rewards will expire after 24 hours if not collected from the Claims menu.
- The following dragon eggs can now be deconstructed into Dragon Coins: Dormant Siege Dragon Egg, Dormant Dusk Dragon Egg, and Dormant Lunar New Year Dragon Egg.
- Fixed an issue where Power Rank wasn't correctly counted for Dragons.
- The Badges for Spirit of Lambent, Spirit of Azorian, and Spirit of Trimach now correctly display info in their Rewards section.
Login Rewards
- A new crafting bench has been added - the Radiant Dayspring! Each day that you log in to Trove earns a Daily Login Token valid during that month. These tokens can be used at the Radiant Dayspring to craft unique mounts, items, and a special monthly lootbox. Log in daily and discover your rewards!
- The lower stat value for all minor Gems has been increased by 30%!
- Lesser Stellar Gems now deconstruct for 500 Gem Dust.
- Gem Booster Boxes now award Golden Gem keys instead of dust.
- Gem Booster Boxes now give slightly more of some boosters at uncommon.
- Gems with a single stat will no longer be found in the world. Instead Gems will always have 2 or 3 stats.
- There are new recipes in the Gem section of the Adventurer’s Crafting Bench for Lapis Luckbug and Ninth Life.
- Increased the amount of Lapis Luckbugs that can come from daily chests and Gem Booster Boxes.
- The Stinging Curse Gem effect now works with the Fae Trickster class.
- 3 new Power Rank and Mastery sigil levels have been added. For Power Rank sigils they now go up to 20,000 and have been otherwise adjusted slightly at the high end. For Mastery this means more sigils up to 300.
- Lil Pup has had his Mastery removed.
- Mastery has been doubled (from 50 to 100) on the Cyclone Skimmer, Squeakers, and Neverending Necrowmancer mounts. Players who have already collected these mounts will receive the incremental 50 Mastery.
- Disaeon, the Immortal dragon now grants +30 Power Rank and the following stats but does NOT grant Mastery:
- +1000 Max Health
- +1 Maximum Energy
- +1 Energy Regeneration
- +50 Magic Find
- Leveling costumes now grant 35 Mastery and other costumes grant 70 Mastery.
- Mastery is now awarded immediately when an XP Coin is used.
- We've smoothed the experience curve to level 30 and reduced the amount of experience required from level 20-30.
- Since Dragon Fire Peaks and Jurassic Jungle are restricted to U4 and U5, they will no longer appear as biome Challenges.
- Invasions and World Bosses will no longer spawn in the first 2 worlds (Medieval Highlands/Novice and Permafrost/Adept). This change allows our newest players to get used to game mechanics a bit before being ROFLstomped by invaders.
- Mastery Rank 20 is now required to use Trading, Community or Club Chests, and the Marketplace.
- Starter Classes are now limited to only the 8 most accessible classes. Class Coins and other methods of acquiring Classes work as normal.
- The introductory quest chain will no longer require players to join a club or enter the Shadow Tower
- Damage from the Neon Ninja empowered class Gem ability, 'Heuristic Haxstar' should now stack correctly.
- Fixed the damage reduction of the Tomb Raiser ability, 'Banshee's Boon' to correctly reduce damage by 90% (the tooltip always said 90%, but the ability was previously only reducing by 75%).
- Corrected certain Revenant Class Gems descriptions to remove the incorrect statement "does not taunt.” Aegis Assault taunts like a boss!
- Adjusted the cooldown sound for the Ice Sage's Gem power.
- Updated the description on the Beckon Banshee Tomb Raiser Gems.
- Updated the description on the Lunar Lancer ability 'Lunacy' to reflect the actual reduced damage.
- Updated the following abilities to not collide with NPCs (similar to Dino Tamer's Clever Snare)
- Boomeranger - Big Bomb and Mysterious Urn
- Shadow Hunter - Sun Snare
- Fae Trickster- Glitterbomb.
- Revenant's Wraith passive ability once more applies 50% physical damage and 100% health regen while wraith is on cooldown.
- Ability cooldowns are now reset to max when switching between classes.
- Cooldown on dodge has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.8 seconds, because it's just more fun that way.
Chaos Chests
- Chaos Chests and Golden Chaos Chests now drop sometimes from dungeon chests. There are advantages to farming fast for these, but even more casual players will be able to earn them at a reasonable rate!
- Any Chaos Chests acquired following this patch cannot be traded. Existing chests are still tradable. Tradable and non-tradable chests have separate karma bars.
- Chaos Chest common and uncommon tables have been randomized and the uncommon table now includes Chaos Cores (a lootbox containing many Chaos Cores).
- One week out of every 4 will now have a Chaos Mega-core as the top loot for the week.
- The Chaos Chest rare table has been expanded to always include all previous “Chaos Chest only” collectibles at a low rate.
- Shadow Pinatas now have a very rare chance to drop from Chaos Chests!
- Chest-specific collectibles gained from opening chests can no longer be traded and will loot collect into Chaos Cores. Collectibles acquired prior to this patch remain tradable but cannot be loot collected.
- Added the new Chaos Core Crafter workbench to the Novice Crafting Bench.
- Crafting at this bench unlocks directly into Collections and prevent you from crafting anything you already have collected.
- At the Chaos Core Crafter bench you can use Chaos Cores, along with other resources, to craft classes and Chaos Chest specific collectibles.
- The Chaos Core Crafter also includes the following awesome new costumes:
- Blastcap Builder (Boomeranger) by Evilagician
- Chimeric Cubist (Candy Barbarian) by Dusty_Mustard
- Bathys Barbarian (Candy Barbarian) by Mew2ian
- Darkheart Destroyer (Candy Barbarian) by LippyLapras
- Daybreak Daimyo (Candy Barbarian) by TeeKayM
- Frigid Fiend (Candy Barbarian)
- Shaggy Yeti (Candy Barbarian)
- Alchemancer (Chloromancer) by Jusiv
- Crystal Cultivator (Chloromancer) by 3motions
- Plaguepurge Pollinator (Chloromancer) by Galeneos
- Rosy Ravisher (Chloromancer)
- Jeweled Jaeger (Dino Tamer) by Anibaal
- Dominating Dracomaster (Dino Tamer) by KawaiiCaretaker
- Pinata Protector (Dino Tamer) by Anibaal
- Shadow Sauromancer (Dino Tamer) by Zeptimus
- Macedoine Master (Dracolyte) by Ainogommon
- Partisan Pinatrician (Dracolyte) by 3motions and gaugekelley1
- Chaos Cultist (Fae Trickster) by SkyRider3217
- Shining Sidhe (Fae Trickster) by Anibaal
- ATMOS C-TAC Armor (Gunslinger) by B_Y3LL0W
- Jet Jammer (Gunslinger) by Ainogommon
- Mesozoic Meteomancer (Ice Sage) by Evilagician
- Strife Sage (Ice Sage) by Celeress
- Dashing Duelist (Knight) by Galeneos
- Steel Sultan (Knight) by Anibaal
- Shadowscorn Saboteur (Lunar Lancer) by Screamheart
- Demersal Marine (Lunar Lancer) by 3motions
- Golden Glaivesinger (Lunar Lancer) by Galeneos
- Inferno Infiltrator (Neon Ninja) by Flowey
- Anubian Assassin (Neon Ninja) by Galeneos
- Bushin Beatmaster (Neon Ninja) by CryoGX
- Arcanium Admiral (Pirate Captain) by MagicMate
- Star Skipper (Pirate Captain) by Ainogommon
- A.M.O.K. Aimbot (Shadow Hunter) by NTwarrior
- Modish Marksman (Shadow Hunter) by TeeKayM
- Royal Ranger (Shadow Hunter) by Rosain
- Photon Phantom (Shadow Hunter) by Jusiv
- Rosewood Huntress (Shadow Hunter) by MoonPetals
- Guardian Golem (Revenant) by Evilagician
- Workshop Watcher (Revenant)
- Super Magical (Revenant) by GadgetCAT
- Chrono Construct (Revenant) by 3motions
- Everdark Emissary (Tomb Raiser) by FriedSushi
- Winter Waker (Tomb Raiser)
- Heart Eater (Tomb Raiser)
- Removed Chaos Chests, Eyes of Q’bthulhu, and Glim from accepted Marketplace currency.
- Increased the # of items on the Marketplace drop downs.
- Since we're increasing how much Flux you can store, we figured we should increase how much Flux you can charge for your Marketplace listings! The new maximum is 25 million Flux.
- In Collections, the Marketplace search button now only appears on items that can be listed in the Marketplace.
- Updated Marketplace comparison to show values < 1.
- Fixed Marketplace bug where no results appeared when Item Type was set to Blocks, Building, Crafting, Decoration, or Items.
- Fixed a bug that could allow creation of Marketplace listings with larger than 9999 quantity.
- Fixed very rare issue where the Marketplace could get into a state where it took currency for listings but never handed over the purchased items.
- Leaderboards and Contests now grant rewards to everyone who is tied.
- The Mastery contest now gives 300 pinatas to each of the top 10 instead of 999 to top 1.
- Class Power Rank Weeklies now reward 50 Shadow Pinatas to anyone Rank 10 and above. The previous reward of a single Chaos Coin for Rank 1 has been removed.
- New Weekly Contests have been added. They are Infinium Mined This Week, Glim Collected This Week, Fish Caught This Week, Weekly Battle Arenas Won, and Loot Collected This Week.
- Experience Earned contest leaderboard now tracks only XP earned during the contest week instead of all-time XP. This will reset the leaderboard. Any progress made on Monday, June 26, 2017 will not be counted.
Preview: ggered by going through portals when on the Dino Tamer ultimate. Fix for a cra Show
- Zone Restrictions now applied to existing zones when terraforming.
- Fix for higher-ranks not being able to modify zones whose permissions had allowed lower ranking club members to modify the zone.
- Restricted ranks that can terraform a club world to Officer and Leader.
- You can now interact with objects without directly targeting them. When you get near an interactable object, its tooltip appears and you can press the action button to interact with it. Don't worry - you can still target objects directly, too.
- Players and NPCs no longer block your interactions when they are standing between you and the object you are trying to interact with.
- Tooltips for interactable objects no longer appear when you are outside of interaction range.
- Updated a lot of the UI to better accommodate longer, localized strings.
- The claims icon in the lower left of the screen will now show up for new claims that you haven't seen, even if they were automatically claimed. Most notably, whenever we do giveaways, you'll have that icon to notify you. And if you buy something from the store it will also appear.
- The Loot Collector no longer accepts additional loot once the "Components Collected" section is full.
- All categories in the Settings menu now prompt you to save unsaved changes when switching to new categories.
- Added a "Collapse All"/"Expand All" button to the collections UI.
- Expanded space in the Marketplace for a second line for the item name.
- Challenges and Objectives now show the name of the reward being earned.
- The welcome screen no longer displays your chaos factor. Check your character stats if you need to know!
- World tooltips now appear more quickly.
- Renamed the style vault categories: Hat Style Vault, Mask Style Vault, etc to simply "Vault". These strings are only used in Collections (when you have already selected Hats, Faces, etc) and in the redesigned Loot Collector.
- Contest rewards in the claims window now show when they expire.
- Town portal tooltips now have complete names.
- Crafting item name text field extended to prevent cut off.
- If one person cancels out of the name change prompt, other players also contemplating a name change will no longer have their prompts disappear.
- Consuming Dragon Souls will now properly refer to the type of soul consumed.
- Client no longer gets stuck trying to find the next item in the action bar after removing the active item from action bar within build mode.
- Better auto-selection of the first available recipe for the workbench.
- Handle near simultaneous equipping and trashing of an inventory slot.
- Aligned Gem Power Rank numbers between the Gem tooltip and the Gem interface.
- Pinata Coins now correctly state that they are an event currency that will disappear sometime in the future.
- Removed a warning message when changing auras on stellar weapons.
- The scroll speed for chat has been normalized.
- Navigation menu can be opened regardless of whether the inventory is also open.
- The Runecrafting bench description in the Adventurer's Crafting Bench has been corrected.
- In Collections, added a new dropdown option: Show Favorites. This will make it easier to narrow down your search to just your favorited Tomes/Mounts/Allies/etc.
- In Collections: Tomes, added an icon to indicate when a tome is "sleeping" and can't earn any more experience this week. This will make it easier to see which Tomes are still available at a glance.
- Updated descriptions for the following crafting materials to be more specific: Blank Scroll, Diamond, Shadow Diamond, and Ancient Scale.
- The Trading Post UI window now automatically closes if the other player cancels the trade (it already automatically closed on completion of a successful trade).
Other Improvements
- Trophies have been added to Trove! If you’ve already met a trophies’ requirements the trophy will unlock on patch day. You may need to change worlds (go through a portal) to cause trophies to unlock.
- Shadow Towers will now be spawned in their owner's region (EU or NA).
- The Omni Recipe item now unlocks the White Die and Black Die recipes.
- The clock tower in the City of Bones shadow dungeon has been updated to make travel and NPC spawning less of a pain.
- Rally Blade is now more likely to match you with adventuring players (and ignoring AFK ones).
- Pegasus Wings are now less transparent.
- Non-tradable Patron Coins and Daily Reward Chests are no longer loot collectable.
- Radiant Auras no longer disappear when viewed from any angle.
- The Rascal Raptor, Eggnog, and Baby Punchbot are now in the 'Promo' tab in collections.
- Removed exploit tied to a combat effect that is granted with the Candy Barbarian class Gem.
- The Skyfire Crown has moved to the Stash Exclusive category and can now be unlocked using Super Style Stashes.
- Updated the criteria for the featured club world portals in the hub so that none should ever be empty.
- 2 new Battle Arena maps have been added to the rotation.
- Reduced terraforming countdown from 25 to 10 seconds.
- Kills from spawned allies (Tombraiser's minions, Pirate Captain's "First Mate", Dracolyte’s Burnt Offerings) will now start counting towards the Defeat Enemies stat tracking.
- The Tech Table Segment recipe is no longer called the Tech Table Corner recipe.
- Added an internal cooldown to reduce /joinme spamming. This cooldown will prevent players from focused spamming invites at a specific player but won't prevent someone from inviting several friends to join them at once.
- Due to the number of legendary tomes we've cut the experience required to fill them in half!
- Since the value of these items are decreasing we have removed non-tradable Class Coin and inventory expander from rare table of daily lockboxes.
- Revenant Costume - Super Magical now indicates creator in item description.
- Fixed bug where using Neon Ninja ultimate and basic attack at the same time could crash the client.
- Fixed bug where Ice Sage's Frozen Ward absorbed damage and was removed for all attacks.
- Carpet mounts can now glide and it’s a whole new world!
- Spring plants can now grow! Winter plants no longer grow.
- Pinatas now correctly drop loot in the Shores of the Everdark
- Cooldown behavior for abilities when switching worlds will no longer reset to max cooldown time.
- SFX have returned for invasions and bombs.
- VFX tied to Gem abilities are cleaned up when switching classes.
- Experience Boost stat is now called Experience Gain and has a base value of 100 instead of 0. This is for the new Double Experience Potions, so it has a value to double.
- New Streamer dream allies have been added to Streamer Dream boxes! These are given out by Trion Creators and grant a random reward to whoever claims it.
- Fixed an issue where the ignore list would sometimes show the wrong name for players.
- Daughter of the Moon geysers now clean-up after twenty four seconds and no longer persist the entire duration of the fight.
- Deconstructing Rare, Epic, Relic, and Resplendent Rings now rewards appropriate amounts of Flux based on rarity.
- Number of charges now stays constant when using an ultimate ability with the Vial of Unleashed Power equipped.
- Flasks and Emblems now have a brief cooldown when swapped.
- Improved projectile collision.
- Panatea the Partifier no longer requires a Party Animal (pinata) to craft.
- Changing Auras on Stellar gear will now cause it to be non-tradable.
- Fixed a bug causing a “Timeout” error when linking accounts. You can once again link your console to a Trion Worlds account to receive a sweet reward!
- Fixed bug where Scintilla, Spark of the Sky didn't provide movement buff to others.
- Fixed bug where Marketplace comparisons didn't work when Flux was the selling currency.
- Fix rare crash that occurs when disconnected while entering a different world.
- Fixed bug where muzzle flash VFX didn't appear when firing mount cannons.
- Fixed bug where some mount cannons didn't play sounds when firing.
- Fixed a bug where zoning while mounted could crash you.
- Fixed bug where Pirate Captain Turret disappeared (but continued to fire) after 10 seconds even if you picked up doubloons.
- Fixed a disconnect issue related to trading.
- Fixed a disconnect issue related to NPCs destroying plants grown from seeds.
- Fixed a bug where the initial rotation of projectiles was slightly inaccurate.
- Fixed an issue where boss icons in the Shadow Tower UI could disappear for non-English language players.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes icons wouldn't show up in the Trade window.
- Fixed an issue where particle collisions could create a feedback loop and travel relativistic speeds.
- Fixed a bug regarding not all parts of the /whisper text being localized.
- Fixed a few incorrect speed values on assorted sets of wings which were too slow.
- Fixed an issue in VFX rendering that was causing some crashes.
- Fixed a crash that could happen on the loading screen.
- Fixed an issue where particle effects could lead to a client crash.
- Fixed a bug where players could kick other users out of Club Worlds regardless of rank.
- Fixes the missing category for Jurassic Jungle under Collections>Crafting>Biome Recipes.
- Fixed a crash that would sometimes trigger when someone nearby was using the mining laser.
- Fixed a common crash bug related to the particle system.
- Fixed a crash triggered by going through portals when on the Dino Tamer ultimate.
- Fix for a crash that could happen on start up.
- Fixed a bug where Patron Bonuses could apply twice in some situations.
- Fix bug in Character sheet where some abilities didn't display or it displayed a previous class's ability.
- Fix World chat channel being assigned to wrong numbered slot after changing worlds.
- Fixed a bug with the catalog generator.
- Club and Officer Chests now show correct text when interacted with.
- Fixed a bug with the currency display on the Marketplace.
- Fixed the off-center icons in the Claims UI.
- Kicking from club worlds should work correctly again, again.
- A relatively common crash involving using the mining laser has been fixed.
- Stellar Aura VFX now disappear when you die instead of floating around your tombstone.
- Fixed projectile targeting in PVP.
- The level up text for the Chloromancer when reaching level 3 has been fixed.
- Fixed bug where you couldn't invite non-friends to join you in a world.
- Fixed underflow bug in club UI.
- Fixed bug where contest reward progress meter didn't show in Leaderboard UI.
- Fixed a bug which could cause the intro video to play at the wrong resolution.
- Fixed z-fighting issue with rendering transparent blocks underwater.
- Fixed bug where progress could be made toward event objectives before they were active.
- Fixed an issue with the Loot Collector Buyback Leaderboard.
- Improved portal interaction when there is loot nearby (this is most especially apparent at the end of dungeons).
- Fixed bug where the Revenant's Spirit Storm ability and the Candy Barbarian's Scoop n' Gloop Gem ability didn't draw in enemies.
- Golden Gem Keys and the old Moon Gem and Shadow Gems are now visible in the crafting inventory.
- Fixed an issue where items could go to the new Currency Inventory but be invisible. Such items will get moved back to your normal Adventure Inventory.
- Clarified wording on Challenge objectives and some portals.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur for players switching between classes.
- Fixed uncommon server crash that could happen when moving Cornerstones.
- Fixed bug where air current blocks persisted above cornerstone after moving it.
- Fix for some collection images not showing when unlocked for the first time.
- Fix for the Ocean Crown dungeon in the Drowned Isles biome having a water layer above the ocean.
- Fixed issue that could prevent login in certain cases of high network latency.
- Added code to increase server stability in cases of extreme network instability for some regions.
- Fixed bug where School of Fish trophies are stackable.
- Fixed bug where Knight's ultimate VFX didn't appear.
- Fixed bug where stats weren't set correctly in Battle Arenas without changing your class.
- Many multi-threading crash and UI fixes.
- Fix for a rare disconnection bug.
- Fixed bug where some enemies that are supposed to slow down during attacks do not.
- Fixed bug where Shadow Hunter appeared to have two bows.
- Fixed bug where Revenant's Spirit Storm could persist after death.
- Fixed an issue where the License Agreement sometimes wasn't displayed properly.
- Fixed Gunslinger Charged Shot to apply decreased descent.
- Fixed bug where boss abilities triggered too frequently.
- Fixed some behavior with the Twinkling Tomes and Golden Gem Keys - the tradable versions should appear in the Adventure Inventory, and the non-tradable versions used for crafting and Gem boxes should appear in the Crafting Inventory.
- Fixed bug where Neon Ninja class Gem shiruken would not deal damage when more than one hit in rapid succession.
- Fixed bug where killing invaders didn't always reflect in the Killed Invaders stat.
- Fixed bug where no respawn text was shown after dying in the tutorial.
- Fixed bug where weapon is sometimes replaced with fishing pole.
- Fixed inconsistencies in spacing and punctuation for Costume descriptions.
- Fixed a camera shake that occurred during movement.
- Fixed bug where some plant tooltips didn't show the season in which they grew.
- Fixed bug where boss affixes and other abilities triggered too frequently
- Fix bug where piercing projectiles stop after hitting a target.
- Fixed improper messaging when the controller was disconnected.
Preview: s observed on PC at this time. The Dino Tamer Pinata Protector costume's ult n Show
Radiant Dayspring
- Starting in July, earn a Daily Login Token each day you login to Trove. These tokens and rewards will change on a monthly basis.
- A new crafting bench, the Radiant Dayspring, has been added to the Novice Crafting Bench.
- The new Daily Login Tokens can be used at the Radiant Dayspring Workbench to craft unique mounts, items, and a special monthly lootbox.
- Use 18 tokens to craft the Dormant Lorekeeper Dragon Egg, which can be used to craft Aurym, Keeper of Histories at the Dragon Crucible! (Please note: Aurym, Keeper of Histories, cannot be unlocked by the dragon effigy.)
- Use 9 tokens to craft the Tapestry of Timeless Tales and take yourself on a magic carpet ride.
- Use 1 token to craft the Xinzaya's Boon 2017, which very rarely contains a Dormant Lorekeeper Dragon Egg! Other potential rewards include gem boosters, Super Style Stashes, Super Recipe Stashes, gem dust boxes, and 3 day patron passes.
- The new daily login tokens will be available in the Trove Store for two months following the end of their specific month. For example, Xinzaya's Tokens, received in the month of July, will be available in the Store from August 1st through October 1st.
- This system has replaced the Daily Loot Chests, so they will stop dropping as of July 1st.
- The Mega Menagerie Pack is finally here! Thanks to the charitable contributions made by players during Extra Life 2016, this pack is bursting with over 40 items, including 2 dragon eggs (one of which is for a CORGI DRAGON), 6 mounts, 14 allies, 4 costumes, 8 hat styles, 5 face styles, and 5 weapon styles.
- Trion Worlds, Inc. will donate 50% from the sale of each Trove Mega Menagerie Pack, up to a maximum amount of US$40,000, to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization located at 205 W 700 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 ). Donations will be made for all eligible packs sold worldwide (excluding SC, AL, IL, and MA) between 12:00 AM PDT, June 27, 2017 through 11:59 pm PDT, July 31, 2017. This contribution is not tax deductible.
- The Fast Fortune Pack offers a way to boost your levelling and enhance your gems by giving you 30 gem booster boxes, 2 double experience potions, 2 empowered gem boxes, and 2 Radiant Sovereigns you can exchange at the Radiant Merchant in the hub for Party Animals, Golden Chaos Chests, Titan's Treasures, or more Empowered Gem boxes! Best of all, the Fast Fortune Pack can be repeatedly obtained, in case a lot of Double XP potions are needed ASAP.
Additonal Updates
- Fix for a relatively common client crash that could occur when air current blocks were entering or leaving view.
- Fixed issue where a gameserver crash can cause players to be locked out of the game for ten minutes.
- Fixed a memory leak that could cause the game to crash after playing for an extended amount of time.
- The above 3 fixes cover the 3 most common crashes observed on PC at this time.
- The Dino Tamer Pinata Protector costume's ult no longer spawns VFX that linger forever.
- The Trading Post UI window now automatically closes if the other player cancels the trade (it already automatically closed on completion of a successful trade).
- Fixed an issue causing parts of the whisper text to be unlocalized.
- Fixed an issue where boss icons in the Shadow Tower UI could disappear for non-English language players.
Preview: 7, 2017! This massive update introduces the Dino Tamer class, Jurassic Jungle biome, Mi Show
The wait is almost over – the Megalithic Update hits consoles on June 27, 2017! This massive update introduces the Dino Tamer class, Jurassic Jungle biome, Minigames, seasonal events and more prehistoric-themed goodies.
Dino Tamer and Jurassic Jungle
Looking to learn more about the newest Trove class, the Dino Tamer? Check out this preview to get up close and personal with this rugged rogue.
Radiant Dayspring
Starting in July, receive the blessing of a Celestial Paragon! Log in every day to work towards great prizes, including a brand new dragon egg: Aurym, Keeper of Histories, and much more!
Dino Attack!
Get ready for a Dino Attack! This brand new event introduces a 9-step quest chain that hits every version of Trove! Fight back against a full on dino invasion! Get special daily login rewards every day of the event and earn fat loot by cranking through quests!
A new breed of Challenge arrives on the scene. Race through golden rings for the best time or find the ideal route for collecting coins. Minigames pack a big punch into a small package. Check out this blog to learn all about Minigamesmore.
French and German Translations
Once the Megalithic Update has been released Trove will be available fully translated in both French and German with more languages coming in the future.
Dragons, Allies, and Mounts, oh my!
7 new dragons are coming to consoles including Inora, Flame of Enlightenment and Dracocolatl, the Mellower!
Free Chaos Chests and Chaos Crafting
Chaos chests now drop for free, just by playing! Use the brand new Chaos Crafter bench to craft 45 new costumes as well as new allies, mounts, and Class Unlockers. That’s right – you can craft any Class in Trove with materials picked up just by playing the game!
These are just a taste of the massive changes coming in the Megalithic Update on June 27th! Tell your friends they aren’t gonna want to miss this block party!
Preview: ssues with this! The Road Wrangler Dino Tamer costume in the store now unlocks Show
Additional Updates
- Fix for titan and moon souls being tradable.
- The new maximum for marketplace listings is 25 million flux! For real this time.
- Fix for chaos chest prizes not displaying in chat.
- Added 2 new recipes to the Chaos Crafter - Polar Caterkillar and Festive Fae Sleigh.
- Fixed not being able to claim flux from selling items in the Marketplace - please call it out if you still see issues with this!
- The Road Wrangler Dino Tamer costume in the store now unlocks the collection rather than granting a tradable version.
I see this thread is from March. There were some pvp tweaks after that date. Dino tamer has been added, which has changed things up balance wise. Yes, pvp is wonky. We are aware that pvp needs...
Preview: / FixesThe stun part of the Dino Tamer ultimate ability, 'Dino Mount' h Show
Weekly Updates
- Event: From Sept 27 through Oct 3, all daily bonuses are active EVERY DAY!
- Sales: From Sept 27 through Oct 10 save 66% when buying extra rows of inventory directly from the inventory UI!
- Top Chaos Chest loot this week is the SS Draconic Ship!
- The new dragon mount designed by community member TeeKayM, Dracocolatl, the Mellower, is now available to craft!
- Players will need to locate Dracocolatl in the Candoria biome and defeat it to obtain Candorian Dragon Egg Fragments. Collect enough and you can craft this new dragon!
- Be careful, Dracocolatl is a BEAST, many Trovians died to get this information.
- This mount gives +5% health regeneration, +1000 maximum health and +50 magic find!
- Autumn has Arrived! The Autumn Piñatas are now on the store!
New Costume Packs
Upgrade your look with 3 new cosmetic packs! (Note that if you've already collected any item in the Pack, you will not be granted another)
- The Bossy Devil Look is for the demonic overlord in everyone.
- The Garden Livin' Look is bugtastic and fresh from the garden.
- The Soul Rancher Look... well, who doesn't sometimes want to experiment with undead soul reaping?
Community Created Content
- Three new Jurassic Jungle Lairs from stedms!
- New Jurassic Jungle swamp Dungeon from Screamheart!
Class Updates / Fixes
- The stun part of the Dino Tamer ultimate ability, 'Dino Mount' has been changed to be weaker when used in PvP
- Damage from the Neon Ninja empowered class gem ability, 'Heuristic Haxstar' should now stack correctly.
- Fixed the damage reduction of the Tomb Raiser ability, 'Banshee's Boon' to correctly reduce damage by 90% (the tooltip always said 90%, but the ability was previously only reducing by 75%).
- Corrected certain Revenant Class Gems descriptions to remove the incorrect statement "does not taunt". Aegis Assaulty taunts just fine, thank you very much.
- Adjusted the cooldown sound for the Ice Sage's gem power.
- Updated the description on the Beckon Banshee Tomb Raiser gems.
- Updated the description on the Lunar Luncer ability 'Lunacy' to reflect the actual reduced damage.
Additional Updates
- Added a "Collapse All"/"Expand All" button to the collections UI
- Expanded space in the Marketplace for a second line for the item name
- When splitting a stack of items, you can now press Enter instead of having to click Move.
- The Omni Recipe item now unlocks the White Die and Black Die recipes.
- In Collections, Marketplace search button now only appears on items that can be listed in the Marketplace.
- The charge up attack used by the tribal humanoids in the Jurassic Jungle should now hit for much less.
Bug Fixes
- The Archeoceratops should now drop the correct trophy.
- Removed some invisible plants in the canopy layer of Primal Preserve.
- Fixed a bug where the Dino Tamer didn't contribute to the weekly Total Power Rank contest.
- Anuran Trog Chiefs should now drop the proper trophy when defeated.
- The Style Surprise should now properly give styles from the Jurassic Jungle!
- Fix for a crash that could happen on start up.
- Corrected height placement of dungeons in metaforge. They now match the in-game dungeon height exactly.
- Fixed a bug where Patron Bonuses could apply twice in some situations.
- Fix bug in Character sheet where some abilities didn't display or it displayed a previous class's ability.
- Fix World chat channel being assigned to wrong numbered slot after changing worlds.
- Fixed a bug with the catalog generator.
- Club and Officer chests now show correct text when interacted with.
- Fixed a bug with the currency display on the Marketplace.
- Fixed the off-center icons in the Claims UI.
Edited patch notes on 9/27 to add the new costume packs.