Recent Class Builds

A better build than Etaew's (sorry) :P January 2, 2017
DamageShadow Towers

As a Gunslinger, you're a strong DPS, raining high noons upon the faces of enemies constantly.

Knight is bad, but if you really need to know a good build... January 2, 2017

Seriously though, even with a Class Gem, knight has bad damage, and is a mediocre tank, I wouldn't recommend playing knight, but here's the guide.

General SH January 2, 2017
DamageFarmingShadow TowersLeveling

This is a very standard SH build, however without a class gem, you'll want Energy Regen on your ring as well as your bow.

Proficient Boomer January 9, 2017
FarmingShadow TowersDamage

This build gives you an infinite amount of potions, which means no stopping while farming, as well as the best DPS in shadow towers. Only drawback is the vial used in this build is rather pricey for newer players.

Dmg/Farm January 9, 2017
FarmingDamageShadow Towers

This build is good for maximum damage and farm at any level of complexity.

Pirate Captain January 2, 2017
DamageShadow Towers

The Pirate Captain, my personal favorite class. When you first start out you will have a low fire rate, low damage, and only one parrot turret. After you get proper gems, equipment, allies, and flasks you will be quite a force to reckon with.

Captain Of Trove Bomber Royale - Season 2
DamageSupportShadow TowersFarming

The Pirate Captain is a ranged DPS Class that hails from the Treasure Isle biome. The Pirate captain Provides solid DPS, an area of effect capabilities and a mob taunter, making for a good farmer and Shadow tower character.

PD Rev January 2, 2017

Many people build tank rev, and while it does work in groups or shadow towers, real trovians build PD on rev to show dominance over others.

full tank January 2, 2017
Shadow TowersTank

This Revenant is made especially for the tower of the shadows

Leveling Fae January 2, 2017

While not the best class for many things, leveling Fae to 30 was one of my favorite classes to do so with. Maybe it was because Fae is seen as an underdog and that I wanted to get it to 30 or maybe it was because grinding it felt completely different than leveling any other class. Either way, I hope this build helps make grinding Fae to level 30 more easier for everybody else.

Farm and Harm January 9, 2017
FarmingDamageShadow TowersLeveling

Hello there you Trovian.

fast farming January 2, 2017

This neon ninja is made for a quick and easy meal

Speedmining Build January 9, 2017

Build focuses on cooldown reduction and movement speed. Allows for near infinite skill spam and blazing fast movement. Excellent for Blocks Broken Contest or mining.

Full DPS January 2, 2017
FarmingShadow TowersLevelingDamage

This Chloromancer is made in only the dps for the farmeo and the lightness.

Full Tank Candy Barb January 2, 2017
Shadow TowersTank

A full tank build for tanking shadow towers :D

Riotblades January 2, 2017
DamageShadow TowersTankSupport

Its a good one because i love to play with him.

Builder and Miner January 2, 2017

The boomer is an excellent builder and ore farming minion.

Pen's mf nn build October 24, 2017
FarmingDamageShadow Towers

What my neon ninja is rocking. Remember that this is my opinion and you might use something else.

Neverending Powerhouse Crystal Combat
DamageTankShadow Towers

This candy barb build is designed to keep you alive and fighting at full potential forever.

Pure Dps January 2, 2017
DamageFarmingShadow Towers

Based on the guide of SENTINELKNIFE

Circuitree's Shadow Hunter January 2, 2017
LevelingShadow TowersFarmingDamage

Gotta go fast!

Etaew's Gunslinger January 21, 2020

Etaew doesn't pretend to be a good Gunslinger, but he can show his build off as a demo for the builds page.