Leveling Fae
Fae Trickster
build by Echo_
added 8 years ago.
This build was updated for
January 2, 2017
While not the best class for many things, leveling Fae to 30 was one of my favorite classes to do so with. Maybe it was because Fae is seen as an underdog and that I wanted to get it to 30 or maybe it was because grinding it felt completely different than leveling any other class. Either way, I hope this build helps make grinding Fae to level 30 more easier for everybody else.
Stat Priority
Notes: Unlike normal Fae builds, which you want to use ego barrier to it's fullest extent to maximize dps, I used a energy regen build to go and spam clones, which in turn did all the work and made grinding feel unique.

Notes: I put magic find on the hat and ring due to having a high mf and being able to get radiant and stellar drops. However, if you can't use it well, I would substitute the mf on the hat for mh% or jumps (if you prefer more jumps) and the mf from the ring for energy regen or again more jumps.
Ally and Flasks
- 20.0% Dégâts magiques
Réduit le délai de récupération de 25%
This ally helps you spam more clones and to have the clones be better at killing. However, if you want to capitalize on mf, you can go and use a mf ally instead.
Restaure 50% des PV à l'utilisation
If your ch isn't high enough, you can swap out evil eye for surestrike. However when I was grinding with surestrike, I noticed that the enemies were only a couple hits away from being killed, which once I swapped surestrike for evil eye, that issue didn't pop up anymore.
Empowered Gems
The only gem you really need is Faerocious Facsimile. Cubic Curtain and Explosive Epilogue only make it easier to keep the passive off (to finish off the remaining enemies) and to help clear out swarms of enemies respectively.
Faerocious Facsimile Class Gem
Blink decoys are no longer immobile; they close on enemies and explode on contact, dealing damage and stunning enemies.
Cubic Curtain
Avoiding damage grants a protective shield, absorbing the next attack and stunning the attacker.
Explosive Epilogue
Killing enemies causes them to explode.
\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.
This guide isn't about outputting a lot of DPS and being super useful in shadow towers. This guide is to show a fun way to play a class that everybody seems to hate. As much as I would like to say I'm a good Fae, I'm not, I just like to play around with builds and have been trying to get level 30 on every class. Either way, I hope you find this build fun for Fae and it helps you have fun whilst leveling it.

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