Gunslinger User Builds

Showing Gunslinger class builds from users, sorted by Most Recent

Speed Run ST Heroes Hotfix 1
Shadow TowersDamage

Krash's Critical Range December 19. 2017
DamageShadow Towers

Gunslinger Build that focuses on Critical Hit. This is a build I use on my Main who is currently 20k pr with 86.8% Critical hit and a coefficient that likes to jump around between 1 and 7 million when I solo ST.

End game gunslinger build (Speed run worthy?) September 12, 2017
Shadow TowersDamage

This is an end game gunslinger build for shadow towers

Raw Damage Eclipse
LevelingDamageShadow TowersFarming

Just kill them all.

Gunslinger DPS July 11, 2017 Sunfest
Shadow TowersDamageFarming

In depth Gunslinger guide - Best Shadow Tower Class!

My GS Build OP May 16, 2017
Shadow TowersDamageLevelingFarming

How To Win At Trove May 1, 2017
Shadow TowersDamageFarmingLeveling

I may not be max level but I put a lot of time and calculating into this build. Here's what I've come up with.

Cowboy January 9, 2017
DamageFarmingLevelingShadow Towers

DarK's Gunslinger January 9, 2017
Shadow TowersFarmingDamage

Build for guns DPS, focus on recharge ultimate faster, very good for shadow tower.

Everybody Dies. Some just need a little help. January 9, 2017
LevelingShadow TowersFarmingDamage

- Can be call GS.

Kukui's Gunslinger Build January 9, 2017
SupportDamageShadow Towers

Gunslinger's stats build from Kukui's Class Guide with Empowered Gems from Underrated54's guide.

Crit-Dmg Gunslinger January 9, 2017
LevelingShadow TowersFarmingDamage

A better build than Etaew's (sorry) :P January 2, 2017
DamageShadow Towers

As a Gunslinger, you're a strong DPS, raining high noons upon the faces of enemies constantly.

Farm and Harm January 9, 2017
FarmingDamageShadow TowersLeveling

Hello there you Trovian.

Etaew's Gunslinger January 21, 2020

Etaew doesn't pretend to be a good Gunslinger, but he can show his build off as a demo for the builds page.