Treasure IslesBiome

Water biomes are found in Adventure Worlds at any difficulty, Seas are the native homeland of the Pirate Captain. In Adventure worlds you can find dungeons, Drowned Worlds (Water-Gem worlds, start at Uber-3 difficulty, power rank 550) have dungeons, lairs and Merchant Ships. Among enemies there are Pirrots, Undead Sailors, Sharkmen and Crabs. Complete dungeons, lairs and slay monsters here to obtain Treasure Isles styles and [item=item/crafting/seashell]. Defeat Flakbeard, The Relentless worldboss in Lost Isles and Treasure Isles for [item=item/dragon/egg/pirate_notrade_fragment]. Find Thallasion, Shaper of the Currents worldboss in Open Seas (Drowned Worlds) for [item=item/dragon/egg/deepsea_notrade_fragment].

Biome Concept

Lost Isles group of biomes covers the vast Ocean theme. These biomes mostly consist of water, while rare palm islands, lairs and dungeons bring life to it and tell the stories. Among dungeons and lairs you can find Shipwrecks, Kraken attacks, Lighthouses, Pirate Hideouts and other sea-related structures, Styles and decorations should look like something that was made by pirates or stolen and used by them or be related to the sea theme.

Natural Blocks and decorations /wadd for Metaforge

Natural Blocks and Decorations Treasure Isles

  • /wadd placeable/block/natural/piratesand.binfab

Found in extracted\prefabs\placeable\block\smalldeco

  • /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/pirate_fern.binfab
  • /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/pirate_grass.binfab
  • /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/pirate_pebbles.binfab
  • /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/sea_weed_01.binfab
  • /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/sea_weed_06.binfab


You can find a list of Fae themed decorations over here.

Copy the path of an item and /wadd it in the Metaforge.

Example: /wadd placeable/deco/fishtank_archerfish_left

Biome Colors

Values come from Trove Developers and ingame items scanned by Trovesaurus Colour Tool


Used as Color RGB Hex
Treasure Isles Sand 210, 193, 155 D2C19B
Rocks 91, 89, 79 5B594F
Moss 116, 133, 7 748507
Palm Tree Trunk 1 122, 111, 72 7A6F48
Palm Tree Trunk 2 131, 119, 79 83774F
Palm Tree Trunk 3 138, 126, 87 8A7E57
Palm Tree Leafs 76, 96, 44 4C602C
Coconuts 56, 52, 38 383426
Grass 1 115, 132, 45 73842D
Grass 2 132, 150, 48 849630
Grass 3 158, 169, 44 9EA92C
Fern 1 89, 115, 37 597325
Fern 2 101, 128, 47 65802F
Blue Crab 1 50, 38, 143 32268F
Blue Crab 2 31, 79, 155 1F4F9B
Blue Crab 3 81, 135, 157 51879D
Blue Crab 4 (glowing) 22, 229, 178 16E5B2
Red Crab 1 124, 23, 23 7C1717
Red Crab 2 133, 25, 25 851919
Red Crab 3 190, 99, 92 BE635C
Red Crab 4 (glowing) 253, 245, 0 FDF500
Sharkman 1 45, 47, 58 2D2F3A
Sharkman 2 76, 78, 92 4C4E5C
Sharkman 3 119, 121, 133 777985
Sharkman 4 161, 163, 173 A1A3AD
Sharkman 5 255, 251, 233 FFFBE9
Sharkman 6 152, 95, 127 985F7F
Sharkman 7 180, 128, 140 B4808C
Pirrot Captain Hat 1 20, 20, 20 141414
Pirrot Captain Hat 2 110, 92, 17 6E5C11
Pirrot Captain Hat 3 241, 233, 218 F1E9DA
Pirrot Feathers 1 116, 17, 21 741115
Pirrot Feathers 2 187, 26, 32 BB1A20
Pirrot Feathers 3 44, 156, 63 2C9C3F
Pirrot Feathers 4 88, 179, 103 58B367
Pirrot Feathers 5 237, 192, 8 EDC008
Pirrot Feathers 6 239, 199, 36 EFC724
Pirrot Feathers 7 4, 159, 185 049FB9
Pirrot Feathers 8 5, 170, 185 05AAB9
Undead Sailor 1 187, 185, 180 BBB9B4
Undead Sailor 2 203, 203, 203 CBCBCB
Undead Sailor 3 241, 233, 218 F1E9DA
Undead Sailor 4 (glowing) 62, 254, 158 3EFE9E
Gold 1 225, 190, 31 E1BE1F
Gold 2 233, 194, 34 E9C222
Gold 3 245, 219, 112 F5DB70
Deep Sea Dragon 1 10, 34, 42 0A222A
Deep Sea Dragon 2 15, 48, 59 0F303B
Deep Sea Dragon 3 32, 144, 143 20908F
Deep Sea Dragon 4 53, 163, 182 35A3B6
Deep Sea Dragon 5 21, 122, 85 157A55
Deep Sea Dragon 6 26, 136, 96 1A8860
Deep Sea Dragon 7 39, 190, 64 27BE40
Deep Sea Dragon 8 250, 215, 86 FAD756
Pirate Dragon 1 30, 30, 30 1E1E1E
Pirate Dragon 2 49, 46, 45 312E2D
Pirate Dragon 3 66, 66, 66 424242
Pirate Dragon 4 51, 138, 178 338AB2
Pirate Dragon 5 51, 155, 292 339BCA
Pirate Dragon 6 77, 170, 212 4DAAD4
Pirate Dragon 7 230, 190, 31 E6BE1F
Pirate Dragon 8 89, 54, 35 593623
Pirate Dragon 9 110, 69, 44 6E452C