Treasure IslesBiome
Water biomes are found in Adventure Worlds at any difficulty, Seas are the native homeland of the Pirate Captain. In Adventure worlds you can find dungeons, Drowned Worlds (Water-Gem worlds, start at Uber-3 difficulty, power rank 550) have dungeons, lairs and Merchant Ships. Among enemies there are Pirrots, Undead Sailors, Sharkmen and Crabs. Complete dungeons, lairs and slay monsters here to obtain Treasure Isles styles and [item=item/crafting/seashell]. Defeat Flakbeard, The Relentless worldboss in Lost Isles and Treasure Isles for [item=item/dragon/egg/pirate_notrade_fragment]. Find Thallasion, Shaper of the Currents worldboss in Open Seas (Drowned Worlds) for [item=item/dragon/egg/deepsea_notrade_fragment].