Shadow DungeonBiome
Shadow dungeons make up floors of Shadow Tower.
All Shadow Dungeons have increased chance for better loot. Defeating monsters, Elite Monsters and Bosses in Shadow Dungeons rewards players with [item=item/crafting/shadowshard] and key fragments (type depends on difficulty), aside from gear loot. Elite monsters can also drop [item=item/crafting/bindingdarkness] and rarely [item=item/dragon/egg/constellations_notrade_fragment_new].
Shadow Dungeon Patches
Geode Patch Notes
Patch notes for the Geode update released June 26, 2018. Adding the world of Geode and the adventures within.
Trove Forums June 25, 2018 3
PTS Patch Notes - Geode
The PTS is now live and open for testing for Trove - Geode.
Trove Forums May 18, 2018 0
Megalithic Update: Console Patch Notes
The Megalithic Update arrives June 27, and will bring Consoles in sync with PC/Mac features. This includes the Dino Tamer class, the Jurassic Jungle Biome and more.
Trove Forums June 23, 2017 0
Patch Notes - Shadow's Eve, Mods, and Dragonite - Oct 11, 2016
Shadow's Eve is Back and Even Better!
Trove Forums October 10, 2016 4
Rise of the Shadow Tower Update - Patch Notes
The Rise of the Shadow Tower Update introduces the Lunar Lancer and Shadow Tower.
Trove Forums September 15, 2015 5
Lack of Class (Changers) Edition - Patch Notes
Changing class no longer requires a class changer, and friends can now be invited offline, with requests showing at the top of lists.
Trove Forums July 28, 2015 0
More Boots More Fun Edition
Patch notes have been released for the More Boots More Fun Edition, shuffling the Chaos Chests, introducing a new Starter Pack, with a convenience feature for clubs and various other additions and changes.
Trove Forums May 5, 2015 0
Cookiephant Edition - Patch Notes
This patch features four new mounts, including two new crafted corgis and two colors of FriedSushi's excellent Cookiephant mount. There's also a few new Knight skins in the chaos chest this week from player submissions (Bone Knight and Elysian Guardian) which will come to the store the following week. Both have some great new VFX, helms, and weapons.
Trove Forums March 16, 2015 1
Neon Nightsky Edition Patch Notes
The Neon Nightsky Edition patch notes have been published! The update is scheduled to arrive on 3/10/15. Maintenence will begin at the usual 7:00 AM PST start time and should last for about three hours.
cantafrond March 9, 2015
Everything Edition Patch
A new patch has been announced, highlights include:
Trove Forums February 23, 2015 0
Patch Notes Available for Dance Off Edition
Patch notes have been posted for tomorrows patch Dance Off Edition
Trove Forums February 16, 2015 0
Open Seas and Ally Edition
Trove Forums January 28, 2015 0
Class Coin Edition
Trove Forums January 13, 2015 0
Back to Work Edition
Trove Forums January 6, 2015 0