Lack of Class (Changers) Edition Patch Notes
Trove Forums
July 28, 2015

Changing class no longer requires a class changer, and friends can now be invited offline, with requests showing at the top of lists.
- Be free of the shackles of the Class Changer: you can now change your class anywhere by pressing ‘J’!
- Pinatas should no longer get pushed around by Tomb Raiser minions.
- Most items now have a notification when dropping them on the ground. Boots do not.
- Fixed a server crash caused by NPCs moving outside of the world, breaking time and space itself.
- You can now send friend requests to offline users.
- The friends list now sorts incoming friend requests to the top of the list.
- Chaos Chests have been randomized. You meow have a chance to find Ari Gato, Domo Gato, or Daimeownt when opening Chaos Chests. Here's hoping you're furtunate to get one of these clawesome new mounts!
- The new costume pack, To The Nines, is now available!
- The Tomb Raiser pack is no longer available. Did you miss it? Never fear! The Boneweaver and Spite Biter Spider Mounts, and Soulfire Wings are now available on the store!
- The Arcanium Steamboat, Crawler Mount, and Discord Wings are now available for purchase on the store!
- Stasis Blade no longers snares minions. Be free, minions! Be free!
- Using the First Mate ability while against a wall no longer spawns the minion at the top of the wall.
- World tooltips now tilt so that players can read them more easily.
- Added an exit button to the Connecting/Queue screen, plus some other visual polish touches.
- The challenge UI now shows up in club worlds.
- Left click while on a legendary dragon while not flying will now dismount you like all other mounts.
- Fixed a bug where spamming the mount keys resulted in the player appearing to have two mounts active simultaneously.
- Fixed an issue where the earring on the Bounteous Hunter hairstyle wasn't masked correctly.
- Updated the visuals for the Enchanted Forge and regular Forge.
- Fixed a bug where the red placement target wouldn't change to white (or vice versa) until targeting a new block.
- Fixed a bug causing the Sky Realm appeared as "Rank 5 Shadow Arena" on friends list and invitations.
- Fixed a bug causing some Winter items to yield a fifth "unknown" stat when upgrading.
- Fixed a bug causing the Highlands recipe for the Dusty Bookcase to incorrectly point to the Well-Loved Bookcase instead.
- New Radiant Ruins lair from Cretoriani.
- New Radiant Ruins lair from Zoe and Stedms.
- New Shadow Dungeon from Stedms.
- New Shadow Dungeon from Aodahn.
- New Shadow Dungeon from Markec1983.
- New hairstyles by GadgetCAT, Hamuko, and Aodahn have been added to the game!
- New face styles by Knightlock, PinkNekoGirl, Stabicus, Khali, Delvulria, and Humpypants have been added to the game!
- New face styles by RainNero, Lachtre, PinkNekoGirl, Humpypants, Zoe, Tmahwk, Ranen and Stedms have been added to the game!
- Bead Curtain deco pieces have been flipped around 180 degrees
- New Hat styles by BrianVI, Xylioxus, PinkiePie, Shalimar, Paluche, Fellhammer, Rajeeb, Sargonnas, RageGamerRyan, PinkNekoGirl, Ranen, KobayashiMaru and Eriri have been added to the game!
- New melee weapon styles by illand, mamagabby, Weemuddy, Knightlock, megashaidu, GadgetCAT, Bonku, LokiFM, MonsterAnt, WarlordTempest, SaiyanTooth, and Pumkmine have been added to the game!
- New hat styles by Eduloko, Aey, Mansage, Stedms, Pumkmine, BornThisWay, Jusic, and SkyRider3217 have been added to the game! New bow styles by Arradir, MeteorKing, Steveanderly, Eriri, Jallafish, The_Most_Smooth, and Jonikalus have been added to the game!
- New melee styles by adambguy, Gieopdop, Walyn, Mot, Sonorous, Balthier, Dunmire1234, Humpypants, Skendya, Solipso, Fhilian, and Hooborg have been added to the game!
- New staff styles by AdamantSpartan, Reggame, MotzerellaSauce, Xylioxus, Armodan, RutilusFalx, Gyrruss, KobayashiMaru, Volfide, MamaGabby, PonyPrince, SweetPeony, and Chocchimp4 have been added to the game!
- New pistol styles by Pumkmine, Weendyy, Knightlock, Deyat, TeeKayM, EyeballPrincessII, Skullcracker555, illand, MotzerellaSauce, Taterdude, Grimsalt, and MiszterSoul have been added to the game!
- An assortment of Radiant pistols and staves have been added to the game!
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