Fae ForestBiome
Found in Adventure Worlds starting at Uber-1 difficulty (Power Rank 250), native homeland of the Fae Trickster. The Fae Forest is the magical realm, battleground for civil war between Fae races. Defeat enemies and complete quests here to obtain Fae styles and Fae Wilds deco recipes. [item=item/crafting/faeriedust] and [item=item/crafting/enchwood] are found in the biome. [item=item/dragon/egg/spider_notrade_fragment_new] is a rare drop for Spiders and Fae Spiders.
Fae Forest Art
Art featuring Fae Forest. To have your art featured here please tag it with or have in the name "Fae Forest".
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Thank you for your entry into the Fae Forest Art Contest! Since this is your first entry we have to give it more scrutiny than the others, we don't feel that it references trove enough, and so can't consider it a valid entry at this time.
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Thank you for your entry into the Fae Forest Art Contest! However, since this is an overall low-quality entry, it does not meet our minimum requirements to be eligible for a reward.
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Thank you for your entry into the Fae Forest Art Contest! However, since this is an overall low-quality entry, it does not meet our minimum requirements to be eligible for a reward.
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Thank you for your entry into the Fae Forest Art Contest! However, since this is an overall low-quality entry, it does not meet our minimum requirements to be eligible for a reward.
We'd love to see more detail next time!