Fae ForestBiome

Found in Adventure Worlds starting at Uber-1 difficulty (Power Rank 250), native homeland of the Fae Trickster. The Fae Forest is the magical realm, battleground for civil war between Fae races. Defeat enemies and complete quests here to obtain Fae styles and Fae Wilds deco recipes. [item=item/crafting/faeriedust] and [item=item/crafting/enchwood] are found in the biome. [item=item/dragon/egg/spider_notrade_fragment_new] is a rare drop for Spiders and Fae Spiders.

Biome Concept

Magical trickery awaits those who enter the whimsical Fae Wilds. The mischievous pranksters who wander these wild woods wreak havoc on the humorless. Extra precautions are recommended for adventurers thick of skull or slow of foot. This biome is made up of magical fae houses and massive cathedrals, together with hideouts and shrines. Fae Forest is homeland to all kinds of Fae, fairy spiders, caterpillars, magical pitcher-plants, bugs and bats.

Natural Blocks and decorations /wadd for Metaforge

Natural Blocks and Decorations Fae Forest

  • /wadd placeable/block/natural/faedirt.binfab
  • /wadd placeable/block/natural/faegrass.binfab
  • /wadd placeable/block/natural/faestone.binfab

Found in extracted\prefabs\placeable\block\smalldeco

  • /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/fae_bush_01.binfab
  • /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/fae_bush_02.binfab
  • /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/fae_grass_01.binfab
  • /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/fae_grass_02.binfab
  • /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/fae_grass_03.binfab


You can find a list of Fae themed decorations over here.

Copy the path of an item and /wadd it in the Metaforge.

Example: /wadd placeable/deco/sign_donotfeed

Biome Colors

Values come from Trove Developers and ingame items scanned by Trovesaurus Colour Tool


Used as Color RGB Hex
Fae Grass 12, 51, 37 0C3325
Fae Dirt 75, 56, 43 4B382B
Fae Stone 67, 66, 61 43423B
Tree Bark 54, 49, 44 36312C
Tree Foliage 44, 65, 57 2C4139
Rocks 98, 96, 90 62605A
Grass Shade 1 14, 68, 52 0E4434
Grass Shade 2 17, 74, 57 114A39
Grass Shade 3 21, 85, 66 155542
Grass Shade 4 26, 96, 75 1A604B
Flower 1 (glowing glass) 134, 58, 255 863AFF
Flower 2 (glowing glass) 58, 255, 242 3AFFF2
Flower 3 (glowing glass) 205, 116, 237 CD74ED
Darkfae Wing 1 (glass) 37, 26, 68 251A44
Darkfae Wing 2 (glass) 47, 34, 82 2F2252
Darkfae Wing 3 (glass) 50, 39, 81 322751
Darkfae Cloth 1 48, 49, 50 303132
Darkfae Cloth 2 44, 40, 49 2C2831
Darkfae Cloth 3 107, 70, 140 6B468C
Darkfae Crystal (glowing) 114, 26, 255 721AFF
Wildfae Wing 1 (glass) 51, 130, 96 338260
Wildfae Wing 2 (glass) 48, 143, 102 308F66
Wildfae Wing 3 (glass) 66, 165, 46 42A52E
Wildfae Cloth 1 41, 84, 28 29541C
Wildfae Cloth 2 101, 125, 33 657D21
Wildfae Cloth 3 230, 210, 21 E6D215
Wildfae Crystal (glowing) 98, 255, 0 62FF00
Pitcherplant 1 61, 95, 24 3D5F18
Pitcherplant 2 82, 102, 26 52661A
Pitcherplant 3 100, 53, 71 643547
Pitcherplant 4 142, 4, 78 8E044E
Fae Spider 1 44, 65, 57 2C4139
Fae Spider 2 58, 110, 90 3A6E5A
Fae Spider 3 47, 42, 57 2F2A39
Fae Spider 4 55, 48, 71 373047
Fae Spider 5 107, 8, 168 6B08A8
Faewing 1 43, 31, 76 2B1F4C
Faewing 2 34, 31, 76 221F4C
Faewing 3 44, 40, 109 2C286D
Faewing 4 66, 106, 160 426AA0
Faewing 5 66, 146, 144 429290
Faewing 6 43, 138, 97 2B8A61