
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Streamer Dream (March) Giveaway giveaway

Commented on: Windcatcher Webwings Giveaway giveaway

ah tá vlw, meu inglês é meio ruim, tenho muita duvida ainda, vou editar meu comentário

Commented on: Windcatcher Webwings Giveaway giveaway

i joined in like 18 giveways, and i just won one, but gl for all

Commented on: Windcatcher Webwings Giveaway event

i joined in 18 giveways and i winned just one ;-;

Commented on: Etaewfest Llama Escape giveaway

Commented on: Streamer Dream Giveaway (August) giveaway

Good Lucky guys ;p

Commented on: Dreamolyte Anniversary Giveaway giveaway

lol, i see that now, i don't believe i winned :D, thx for that, and sorry for who don't get the dracolyte style, but everyone will win something one time