Etaewfest Llama Escape

To accompany Etaewday celebrations, we're releasing a few llamas. Sign up for a chance at 32x [collection=Scary Mary], 32x [collection=Anachronistic Antoine], 32x [collection=Changeling Channing] and 32x [collection=Kami Llami]

Starts - August 30, 2017, 12:00 am UTC (8 years ago)
Ends - September 13, 2017, 3:00 pm UTC (8 years ago)
Giveaway Finished

The giveaway has finished, rewards distributed = 128


128x Etaewday Gifts

128 people will be selected at random to receive 1 reward


3,607 Signups

3.55% chance to receive 1 reward

Comments and Likes Comments 142

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 Didn't think I would win

I won how do i claim?

why ? i dont won why ?


Omg I won lol gg xD

lol me too :(

i never win :I

i won dragon once time


yes in gmail u won

why I never win

It makes me think this website is a scam


Dude if they were a scam howcome you can get the Salt Sower and Sagosaurus Mounts right now. Just because you never win doesn't mean it's a scam, don't expect everything to be handed to you on a platter. Either Work for it or, in this case, get Lucky.

GG wiwi et sarkness :3

La chance de ouf

Apareceu que tinha 120 porcento de chance fiquei iludido

i never win


I love a mount

i love this mount.

Good Luck to all the Llama lover ! x)

good luck all

Kami Llama its beauty


Eu querooooo

I want that kami llami

trove is the best

GL guys (I want one of diz)

 Dam i want one of diz


That Anachronistic Antoine, what a looker... Oh no wait, that's a Changeling Channing! Argh Run! Run for the hills! If only I had a llama to ride away on.

i will win :V 28

What's the point of thus if im not going to get any of the llamas?

I never win :,v

so if we already signed up before this started we automatically get entered?


There is no signing up before a giveaway starts

let me win

How do we know if we win giveaway? not that im actually gonna win -_-

LOL its amazing

I want dat Kami Llami pls

GL HF all :) 

Go luck Guys :D Like trovesaurus ^_^

good luck

hope  i win

good luck everyone

good luck for you


good luck every1.


go win

Good Luck guys 

i will win

i will win

i will win this one

Awesome stuff !!! Good luck everybody !

Ohoo Awesome, good luck people! 

Why i never win ;(


If somehow i win one can o optout of the kami one. I have this crafted.

Can i have it if you win? Oh and have you got the Xbox live message for the free trance sphere. I got 2 and you can have one for it :p

GL&HF =)

Dafuq bigg giveaway gl hf



Good luck!!

GL have fun!


GL theres 128 prizes and of course theres less than a 10 percent chance


GL hope the 9% dont change

Good Luck Everyone!

This is probably the biggest amount of rewards a giveaway has ever had.

I need this

That kami tho

i would really like this because im not that good a trove and i dont have much 

gl guys :D

i hope i do win cause im a noob at trove and im not rich so i cant buy packs

good luck everyone :)

With my luck I will get nothing, so more for you guys so GL!! :) 

good luck

Good luck everyone! :)

good lucky everyone :)

I want to experience a Llamagasm

Looking for some of that sweet, sweet mastery.

I hope I get one and good luck everyone?


Never won anything. But I'll try.. GOODLUCK GUYS!


Gl everyone!

Good luck everyone!

GL        :^L

Good luck everyone 


For this type of giveaways you get only 1 of the items listed or you can get multiple of them? Anyways, good luck to everyone!


TRION:no Ron, go find some flux.

Just won a radiant dayshark see if I can keep the go streak

queria tanto ganhar =)

gl all 



ikr GL everyone


Looks like enough really. GL all

wow.. a lot


Boa sorte á todos xD



If you're a kind person let me win!!!


Good Luck everyone!

They are giving away so much right now! I swear if I don't win this one I will electrocute myself.

Gl everyone

145% now xD

GL :)

160% lol GL everyone!

hm... 175% chance... Oh wait there are 2 weeks left :(

i need one of these:)pls