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Commented on: Trovesaurus Site Update June #1 page
Commented on: Trove Creations Digest - Issue #11 page
Milambit posted:
You've gotten too good at making these. I would recommend throwing a typo or incorrect statement here or there because it's just too perfect. ;]
Awesome read as always!!
As for the poll:
In short: I disapprove of rewarding players with the item they created - it's an amazing adventure searching for it in the end.
In long: It was almost a year ago I got my first item into the game (this was before styles or anything), and I searched long and hard for the pistol I made. Eventually I resorted to actually paying a bounty hunter what a shadow item was worth in flux (these were blue items!) and I obtained my beloved pistol set... (At the time there weren't styles so I wasted like 5 prisms and stuff to make it worth using xDD).
This process has barely changed since then, and I still feel so much satisfaction when I -finally- obtain my item I made that I wouldn't recommend depriving anyone else of that effort. Sometimes it takes as much work to find it as it did to make it, I still don't have my spoon staff I made 5 months ago! Thus, I think the current system of having to actually search out your beloved creation lets one appreciate it just that much more.
My stance is different if they let us place our dungeons/lairs in our own club worlds >_> (lol)
Thanks for the positive reviews! At this point I've kind got the thing down to a science (though I'm still working on some polish here and there, as well as some other minor ideas to consider adding) so it goes a lot more smoothly than when I first started it.
As for the survey, ultimately I agree with you - its certainly not necessary to give the creator the item but I know this is a common question asked and I thought it would be a good question for the survey to get a general feel for people's opinions here. I know some people get frustrated when they never seem to get their item to drop (funny enough I've never really had that issue as I have always gotten mine on the first day of release, though this may be because mine have all been low rarity items QQ). I loved your story about getting your first item.