Usually I post updates in our Feedback Thread on the Trove Forums but this week I'm trying something different since there are more changes than usual.
Daily Bonus Widget
Added a daily bonus indicator to the sidebar, times are still being finalised.
Livestream Twitter Announce
The Trovesaurus Twitter account now announces when Trove livestreams start.
Search Results
The search results page now display all results on a single page, this also limits the results in a single category to 25.
Local to Social Account Upgrade
You can now merge your local account with a social account. The social account must not have been signed into the site before.
We encourage this so that we don't have to deal with account recovery or security, that is handled by your third party provider.
Guide Requests
Added notices that we'd like a guide on several sections, with suggested questions they answer
Mod Views
Added mod view counters and the ability to sort by views on the mods index.
Other Changes
- Flasks have been updated to support vials and emblems, effects and obtain information have been set.
- Fixed profession recipes not being imported, improved ways to display this will be coming
- Allies page can now be filtered by category, and list now is split by category
- Fixed several instances of costumes being the incorrect name
- Fixed several instances of collections being in the wrong category
- Added download counts to mods from the mod authors user page

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