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Commented on: 3 Years of Trovesaurus page
I found this site trying to see how to get a streamer dreamer code (ironic right) and when i found out how much info this cite had and all the giveaways it did i decided to stay and use it more. What id liek to see in the future is more giveaways of course but also more class guides to because i find it hard to find cureent good ones sometimes. Thank you and happy anniversary!
Commented on: Positivity Fortnight page
i love ranking up mastery, ontaining all the different mounts, allies, costumes and other designs is really fun and cool too see
Commented on: Streamer Dream Giveaway June giveaway
Commented on: Alchemancer Giveaway giveaway
ok yes as of now they wont work but they will when the update goes live in three days so can i enter the giveaway anyway since it would work when the giveaway ends