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Commented on: https://trovesaurus.com/build=3/pure-dps
If reaching over 100% critical hit from gems, I suggest replacing the CH from Ring and Weapon to Jump on weapon, and MF on ring, as well as MF on hat and keep the MH% on face, Surestrike can also be replaced with Unyielding for 3 second immunity to damage (unless it's DotM's instagib) or even Bountiful for a chance to not use a flask charge.
Commented on: Disable Outline Effect by ExoDave mod
Commented on: Disable Outline Effect by ExoDave mod
Commented on: Mod factory - Colorful tooltips mod
Awesome, tho I'm not sure if this is the right place to bring it up, I can see there's a possibility that some items might register as something else on the counter.
Picking up "Glim" and "Glimmer in the void" or "Glimmering glamor" counts up the glim in the tracker.
It's obvious it's doing so because they contain "Glim" in the name.
These are so far the only items I've come across having this issue, but there may be more.
Maybe checking for an exact match and checking to see if it's just a 4 letter word might solve it.