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Mods and Mod Packs that this user has created.
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- Allies 6
- Cosmetics 2
- Costumes 9
- Dragons 4
- Mag Riders 1
- Mounts 9
- Utility 3
- Waypoint 4
- Mod Packs 1
Popular Mods
VortexslingerCostumes (Gunslinger)

Highly inspired by Terraria's Vortex Armor, this mod fits the Vortex theme, along with the hat and guns.Shadow Hunter version is available
Vortex HunterCostumes (Shadow Hunter)

It's an easy mod made with Vortexslinger's assets, with some changes to make it for the Shadow Hunter.
Gunslinger version available hereYes, it's inspired by Terraria's Vortex Armor.
Gunslinger version available hereYes, it's inspired by Terraria's Vortex Armor.
Holovaen F-4 Mk. VIDragons

---------------------------------------H O L O V A E N---- F - 4 ------------- Mk. VI ----
We don't know where this dragon comes from, but the technologies used are awesome and we never saw that. The wings and some parts of the body are holograms !
We don't know where this dragon comes from, but the technologies used are awesome and we never saw that. The wings and some parts of the body are holograms !
Stardust DragonDragons

From Terraria's Stardust Dragon
Waypoints to easily see which mobs can drop Foraged Dragon Egg Fragments when empowered.
White waypoints to contrast with the red biome, blastflowers have a smaller waypoint as there's more of them and they don't guarantee spawning a mob that drops fragments
White waypoints to contrast with the red biome, blastflowers have a smaller waypoint as there's more of them and they don't guarantee spawning a mob that drops fragments
Solar Flare RevenantCostumes (Revenant)

Solar Flare Revenant
This costume is inspired by Terraria's Solar Flare Armor
For a long time, I kept that mod in my vault even though it was finished. I thought the helmet could be improved but I guess I'll upload the mod and maybe update it later.
This costume is inspired by Terraria's Solar Flare Armor
For a long time, I kept that mod in my vault even though it was finished. I thought the helmet could be improved but I guess I'll upload the mod and maybe update it later.
Don't know what that standard is used for ? With this mod, you can know in advance what stats that crafted banner will have. You can now loot collect or keep the standards you need !English only for the moment, I might do other languages later on.
Fallen Star WaypointWaypoint

Adds a small waypoint to Lunar Drops to make them easier to see