Delve Standard Stats (Banners)

Mod Description

Don't know what that standard is used for ? With this mod, you can know in advance what stats that crafted banner will have. You can now loot collect or keep the standards you need !
English only for the moment, I might do other languages later on.

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

Download fix

2.2 KB

tmod fix

2.2 KB

First version - might have a few issues.
English only at the moment.

92.2 KB


Unfortunately, the mod can't be uploaded on Steam due to how it works.
It replaces language files, which can't be contained in a .tmod file, but you can only upload .tmod files on Steam.

However, you can easily download the mod (as a zip file) through a mod loader or manually, even if you play on Steam ! Just move the languages folder from the archive to your /Trove/Live folder.

You should end up with this : /Trove/Live/languages/en/override/prefabs_item_crafting_delvebanner.binfab

Also, concerning other languages, it's not the easiest/fastest thing to do for me at the moment, and I don't think it's worth it. If you don't play the game in English, feel free to ask for a translation and I might do it, if I realize it would be used.

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You don't seem to mention here that you actually need to have the file inside the override folder within languages/en


Yep, forgot to edit it earlier sorry

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np nice mod

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Quick TMOD

Mod FilesShow

  • binfab 1+
    • prefabs_item_crafting_delvebanner

Adds information on what stats the banner crafted with each standard will give.

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Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: May 6, 2020

Updated: May 7, 2020

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 6,430

Downloads: 1,350

Visible on TroveTools