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Commented on: Cyberian Survivor Giveaway giveaway
I know multiple on ps4 who won giveaways here. Personally I won art contest.
There's just few people who would like to win like you or me and the more time pass the more they are cause for our luck trove and trovesaurus communities are growing imo.
You play trove think this way:
You need to be lucky to win here lesser than how much you would need on trove to find any dragon frags/dragonite pouch/aura/Griffon talisman and so for sure. the real ridicolous chance to win it's rng based
Good luck man :)
Commented on: Pandafest - Results Pandart page
Commented on: PandaFest - Giveaways - Contests page
Commented on: Pandabot Prototype Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: RNG HOOK ME UP art
You are not alone man lol I opened 400+ cc to find it hope you'll have a better luck
Commented on: PTS Patch Notes - Trove Adventures - October 19, 2017 page
Commented on: PTS Patch Notes - Trove Adventures - October 19, 2017 page
It's normal that it keep saying that the code has already been redeemed guys or I messed up something? Anyways the for all the info for me on ps4 it was like could see all the things I need to know before the patch tysm
Commented on: Radiant Skyshark Art Challenge page
Hey guys 1st good luck to you all :)
I've uploaded my work but I'm keep seeing the red cross like if I'm not in contest did I messed up something?