Thank you so much! I'm really excited! This game was one of my favorites when it first came out. I'm glad we are still able to contribute fun things like this.
And thank you for making the file for me. I will make sure to do so in the future when making other designs.
I hope you'll be able to give me some more feedback on other designs I may make. Your input was invaluable!
I'm mostly worried I'll accidentally make a design that is similar to another style, especially for a different weapon because I don't know if I could sit and check through every single style that's been put into the game, tbh.
Thank you so much for the wonderful information!
As much as I'd like to flip the model so that the /epicpose looks better, I agree that it would just feel wrong to do so for general use.
After looking over the changes you made in the pictures to the model, I noticed that as the bottom of the staff changed, so too did the lighter parts shift into the best position I could manage them into when I tried, myself. I changed the model to what you had specified and I think I also like the inner curve being completely suspended, not touching even diagonally. Very nice! I elongated it to the full 35 block length to accommodate the model shrinking for the handle grip being so far down. Hope it is better this time around.
Just going to give a little context, I accidentally sent the following message in reply to myself instead of you. Please ignore that I sent two of these messages.
Thank you for all the wonderful information! I made this a while ago and forgot that it isn't the correct format for a spear. I think I originally intended to make it a staff or sword, so I will opt for the staff. I have made changes regarding the clipping issues but ultimately decided to move the grip point to the middle since there wasn't enough space near the bottom for the required "8 voxels behind the attachment point" as stated by the wiki. If you get a chance, I have uploaded some pictures with the changes. I would like to hear what you think. If it's not possible with the bulk of the weapon, I may redo most of it to fit the style with the grip point on the lower end like you had edited in your pictures and make it a sword instead. Let me know what you think.
Thank you for all the wonderful information! I made this a while ago and forgot that it isn't the correct format for a spear. I think I originally intended to make it a staff or sword, so I will opt for the staff. I have made changes regarding the clipping issues but ultimately decided to move the grip point to the middle since there wasn't enough space near the bottom for the required "8 voxels behind the attachment point" as stated by the wiki. If you get a chance, I have uploaded some pictures with the changes. I would like to hear what you think. If it's not possible with the bulk of the weapon, I may redo most of it to fit the style with the grip point on the lower end like you had edited in your pictures.