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Commented on: Empress Flutter mod
alright, sorry
...After clicking on the official forum thread link i saw the gif ...and i'm not well ...impressed
it looks like a simple layer, no volume kind of
...and the vfx are not even hearts, just sparks :/
Commented on: Empress Flutter mod
Commented on: Dev T-Shirt Contest page
Commented on: Neverending Necrowmancer Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Night and Day art
Commented on: [GIF] Sleepy Smol Za'Heeden art
Commented on: Modders Interview (SkyRider3217) page
sky ...UI we need U.I. mods
mounts and dragons ...meh, there is already alot of those
we need UI mods, vfx cubes and not those you have to stand on to activate, lol
wings like neon nightsky, but purple (hahaha this one is perso ;) )
more things to look out for, through exploration, rather than adding things we are speed rushing, because we can
steps scripted boss !
world bosses like dragons, but way bigger, and much more dangerous and rewarding ;)
out of ...
Commented on: Cyberian Survivor Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Flakbeard Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: RNGesus style Loading Screen mod
Commented on: Royal Ranger Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Trovesaurus Mod Highlights page
lots of mods i'm already using and some i'ld like to try, thanks for sharin'
aaand Happy new year to ya'll
Commented on: Snowfest Day Albairn Giveaway giveaway