Flakbeard Giveaway

Thanks to SkyRider3217 we are giving away 20 [collection=Flakbeard, the Relentless] dragons.

Please note that these codes are not valid on consoles.

Winners will receive a code through their Trovesaurus Mail and will need to redeem it at trovegame.com/redeem

Starts - February 8, 2017, 12:00 pm UTC (8 years ago)
Ends - February 15, 2017, 3:00 pm UTC (8 years ago)
Giveaway Finished

The giveaway has finished, rewards distributed = 20


20x Flakbeard, the Relentless

20 people will be selected at random to receive 1 reward


1,168 Signups

1.71% chance to receive 1 reward

Comments and Likes Comments 82

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i never win stuff =(


maybe next time

0 winner? serious?


 Who win thia dragon?

Uhm winners

Good luck guys... wait its ended but no winners xD

who won 


Good luck XD

GoodLuckkkkk :)

winners ?

Good luck 

have fun

Good luck :)

GL guys for dragon


hope the luckiest player win

Good luck

Good Luck Guys & Gals :D

Good luck XD

Good luck to everyone, hope I can win too.

 Good Luck To Everyone

OMERGAWD is it a dragon? I dont check when im excited xD


I pray to God that I get this

If I don't,GG to the winners


Welp Good luck all

Good Luck Guys :-)

Gl evrey 

HEy guys! I just calculated that you have around a 1.9900497512437811% chance of getting it GL!

Oh... That's nice to know XD

good good luck guys :)

I really want this. GG good luck all. I hope everyone has a chance.

If i get it cool. NICE. I hope i get it but if I dont congrats to the peeps that do.

BTW, Good Luck all.

Let's go people!!!

I have never gotten anything from giveaways but good luck anyway..

hi and GL!

GL Everyone.

i hope i win i havnt won anything since summer last year

i would love it so much.good luck to all of you :D

pick me please!

I want it so, so much. Good luck guys!

Good luck

Good Luck

Good luck all

GL all

GL everyone


GL all

GL everyone

GL all :D

Yo i need dragon. BTW, good luck all!


Good Luck Everyone!


Good Luck to All.

Good luck

Good luck bois!

Good luck everyone!

I know my account says XBOX but I play on PC as well, so I will use the code on whichever account.

Good luck everyone :3

...wishing every ones good luck :)

Good luck guys :)

[Deleted User]

Well,good luck/

I joined. IGN: Bananasty

My name is Actually XxLePunsxX, not POtatoes everywhere

GG EVERYBODY :D This is Going to be Awesome :D

glhf :3


GL Everyone!!! :D

Good luck everyone!

Good luck everyone, :v