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Commented on: Class Builds Feedback page
So far the only feedback on builds is to have the three main stats right now. I do think a disclaimer on this saying that with HR rework that things could change but as it is right now, HR is poopie...
Shadow Hunter Build I use: (Farming build)
Hat: MH/CD or AS/MF/ CD or AS
Face: MH/CD or AS/CH/CD or AS
Ring: PD/MF
Weapon: PD/CH/CD/AS
I always use the SureStrike Emblem / Death Defying Vial / Martial Emblem
Cotton Candy for Ally
As for the layout I would just change the minor gems and combine them into 3 windows. 2 drop downs for the stats for Blue then Yellow then Red. That way it will be more compact.
Commented on: Two Years of Trovesaurus page
I first found this page while chatting with evil in the creators discord. I was dragonless and a total noob:). Every since then I've been doing contests and checking trovesaurus for updates on all things trove.
Commented on: Translation Promotion November Request page
I think the weekly challenge or news section of trovesaurus would be a great starting point to the translation.
Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #9 poll
Commented on: Colouring Contest event
Commented on: Class Art #7 - Dino Tamer page
I know the darker fits with the biome and all but I think the art as a group should fit more the same style. I like the Candy barb style a bit better than this one. Bright and flashy :)
Commented on: Class Logo Contest page
Do we have a size of pixels for this? Would be nice if they are going to incorporate this into a game that our works not be the wrong size.
Commented on: Candy Llama Contest page
Here we are in the land of Sweets and Toothaches, looking for the illusive Candy Llama. Oh look there is one now, grazing on the sweet grass. Look how it seems to drip with sugary sweetness! These majestic creatures are highly prized for… well their spit. You see unlike normal Llama these creatures when angry spit a taffy like substance that is just pure heaven. Let’s see if we can get this beauty to give us a sample. CHARRRGEEE…
Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? (Class #8) poll
Voted: Pirate Captain
I would love to see a pirate captain drawn like Hook from Once Upon a Time, it would thrill my wife to no end.