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Featured Art Comments:
"I will protect it" - Tauf
"I want to see it grow up healthy" - Meowser
"I want to tell my friends and neighbors about it" - entity
"Wow" - Phantasie
"As Phantasie said "wow"" - Tynaut
"Best buddies is best, I shared with my buddies." - Mobi
Featured Art Comments:
Sky says:
This looks so adorable! I love the attention to detail and the size of the Sun Goddess and giants compared to the Trovians makes a whole lot of sense. I also like that random bandage on the Goddess' head hinting on the destruction of the Hub statue.
Featured Art Comments:
A charming well detailed and dressed Saurian Tamer, he looks a bit grumpy, maybe he already finished all the cake!
- TFM and Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
Is a very clean image, the shades work well to make it stand out and I really like the slippers, also nice detail on the face. Good job!
- TFM and Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
Is a lovely scene drawing the whole family in a charming art style, looks like they are having fun. Love squishy sage and his derpy tongue getting ready to pounce on the food, also love how old man sage looks, is wee!
- TFM and Etaew