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Commented on: Trove turns 6 years old, win a Magic Trove Carpet page
My very first memory with trove was with my cousin, around 2016 (but I really don't know) when he was teaching me about steam and we were looking at the free games, my PC was super trash at the time so when we saw Trove it was an instant target. We tried to run it for a while but we couldn't get it to work. Sometime later we tried again and managed to make it work, but it was super laggy, I remember "grinding" the first map and getting that trashy wing ( nowadays you get it from the start of the game ) but back then you had to gain some mastery for it. I quit it after that, I didn't think much about it back then.
In 2018 I got an Xbox One, and while looking for free games (Again) I found Trove, "I remember this game!" I thought, so I downloaded it, summer break comes in, I play the only trove this time tbh, but I was very dumb, in all that time I couldn't get to U9 (I think my Gunslinger had half his gems on PD), and that was nice, but it got very depressing after a while, I remember feeling that the game was 100% P2W, but that's not true (Kinda [a little{ just a tiny bit}]).
Now the year is 2021, now I have a PC, I see trove again, I download Trove again, I play it again. Now I have a functioning brain and I know how to search properly, so I am u10 in 2 weeks. I keep thinking about the younger me, I was stupid, I grinded dragons but I never had the coins, and then the cyborg invasion started and Godzilla killed everyone alive. Just kidding, it was the popular Kpop singer, Michael Jackson.
I'm having fun, give thing, thank you.