
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: St. Qubeslick Dino Waypoints mod


works thanks

Commented on: St. Qubeslick Dino Waypoints mod


I couldn't find

Commented on: St. Qubeslick Dino Waypoints mod

only work desert frontier? add jurassic jungle pls

Commented on: Циннвальдитовый item

why are there no patterned blocks (like bricks)

Commented on: Astral Echoes item

These Echoes can now be found all over the world of Trove???just isn't sundered biome?

Commented on: Downfeather Dissertation collection

What is oil-free downfeather?

Commented on:

i cant find Q'rsebane

Commented on: Maymidge collection

does not appear loot collector. this is item what are we going to do??

Commented on: Spring Fling 2022 event

did not start ??

Commented on:

sir qubesly at the hub didn't reset for 2 days

Not only that, there is no Fragment of Luck for 2 days

Commented on: Twitch Drops return to Trove! page

Everdark Emissary Costume

I got a drop but it's not in the game