This older navigation may be removed in the future, it remains here to make sure that you can reach everything as we prepare the new one.
Quest Steps
Shadow's Eve
1/6 Meet with Wolfsly
Shadow's Eve 1/6: Happy Shadow's Eve Trovian. Shadow's Eve means that the Cursed Vale is the place to be, and if you can't be there, you try and look like it as much as you can! The hub is already decorated, the mag rails are ready, and I'm already howling for some fun! Stop by and chat with me in the Events area of the hub. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.
Q'rsed Seal 1
Interact with a big Qubesly dressed in a Wolf costume in the event area of the Hub.
2/6 Collect Pumpkins in the Cursed Vale (3)
Shadow's Eve 2/6: I'm so glad you could stop by Trovian. If I had to sum up Shadow's Eve in one word, it'd be pumpkins, and there's a lot of them in the Cursed Vale. There are two different kinds of pumpkin-themed locations that appear during Shadow's Eve in the Cursed Vale. One is a little more dangerous than the other, so let's start with the safer one. Look for Pumpkin Patches, they will be smaller than the dungeons, which are usually just one big overgrown pumpkin.
Q'rsed Seal 1
In the Cursed Vale biome find a Pumpkin Patch - they are not marked on the map and look like an orange pumpkin with few green stems around it. These are filled with harvestable Pumpkin plants.
3/6 Clear Pumpkin Dungeons (5)
Shadow's Eve 3/6: The ugly side of Pumpkin Patches is that they mean Pumpkin Dungeons, which are far less flavorful and far more bitey. Every year they come back, and every year Trove fights them off. How about you join in the fight a little huh? They should show up in just about anywhere on Trove other than the Sundered Uplands. If only we knew what the Irradiant Giants there knew maybe we could take care of this.
Lunar Condensate 25
Pumpkin Dungeons are much bigger, cubic and are marked on map. They can be found in all biomes in the Adventure Worlds aside from the Sundered Uplands biome and Geode Topside.
4/6 Craft a Wolves' Den Gateway
Shadow's Eve 4/6: Good job Trovian. Now I've sent you some Lunar Condensate in your Claims. You can use that for all sorts of things, but how about you craft up a Delve Gateway: Wolves' Den this time. You can make one at the Shadowy Station in the Events area of the hub.
Q'rsed Seal 1
Claim previous quest step rewards and craft Delve Gateway: Wolves' Den on the
Shadowy Station.
Crafted at:

5/6 Defeat a Boss in the Wolves' Den Delve
Shadow's Eve 5/6: Wonderful. Now using that, head into the Wolves' Den and knock out one of their leaders. The priests and acolytes from the Order of the Moon would sure appreciate it. Might even draw them here!
Q'rsed Seal 1
Every 3rd loot floor in the Delve Gateway: Wolves' Den will be an event Delve with Event boss Q'resd Q'berus for a while. Complete one event Delve to finish this step.
Notice a red debuff icon that appears near your experience bar if you get hit by the boss.
From this point you can start on the second event Questline - Q'rsed Bite!
6/6 Complete Shadow's Eve Dailies (3)
Shadow's Eve 6/6: Awesome, and well done. And the last fun thing to do during Shadow's Eve are the dailies from our visitors in the hub. Head back to the Events area Hub and talk to one of the visitors with a green Exclamation Mark over their heads and they'll tell you what to do.
Q'rsed Seal 1
Return to the Hub and you should be able to see 4 new Daily quest in the hub, together with a new NPC related to the second questline - High Priest Lunavic.
Daily quests available at this point:
- Kill Wolves and Werewolves (25) - found in Cursed Vale biome and in Pumpkin Dungeons in other biomes.
- Collect 3 Pumpkins - collect pumpkins from Pumpkin Patches or grow them through gardening.
- Earn a Bomber Royale Coin - finish in top 10 in the match
- Defeat Pumpkin Dungeons (5) - complete Pumpkin Dungeons in any biome
Q'rsed Bite
Complete Wolfsly's Shadow's Eve Quests
Q'rsed Bite: There are stories of Trovians venturing into the Wolves' Den and becoming cursed with the Q'rsed Bite. The curse can send the victim into flurries of rage they can't escape. The Order of the Moon Priests would probably know what to do, but where are they? Maybe if you complete some of Wolfsly's quests they might know how to draw the Order of the Moon to the Hub.
1/7 Meet with High Priest Lunavic
Q'rsed Bite 1/7: Trovian. I have come back to the Events area of the hub with news most dire. Please seek me out at once so we may end this curse. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.
Q'rsed Seal 1
This NPC appears after completing step 5/6 in the general Shadow's Eve questline.
Return to the hub and interact with High Priest Lunavic in the event area.
2/7 Collect Vials of Q'rsed Essence (10)
Q'rsed Bite 2/7: As you may have noticed, or Elsphodel forbid you may be afflicted yourself, but the Q'rse from last year has festered in the Wolves' Den and grown stronger. Trovians hit by the attacks of the Bosses in the Wolves' Den have become afflicted with the Q'rsed Bite! The Q'rsed Bite can drive you mad and force you to attack whether you want to or not. Thankfully the Order of the Moon has a plan. It starts with collecting Vials of Q'rsed Essence. You should be able to find those every so often when defeating wolves and werewolves in the Cursed Vale. Get started at once, there's not a moment to spare!
Q'rsed Seal 1
Go to Cursed Vale biome and kill wolves and werewolves in the world or in the dungeons. Use E to pick up Vial of Q'rsed Essence that sometimes spawns after their death.
Tip: during the event some cursed skull objectives in 1-star dungeons in the Cursed Vale biome spawn wolves that drop the Q'rsed Essence.
You will need more than 10 of this later on for the event collectables and lootboxes.
3/7 Collect Lunar Condensate (50)
Q'rsed Bite 3/7: Now we need the power of Elsphodel. The fiends in the Cursed Vale are drawn to it like moths to a flame. Defeat enemies and Dungeons in the Cursed Vale to collect Lunar Condensate.
Q'rsed Seal 1
Lunar Condensate can be obtained from completing Pumpkin Dungeons in any biome, from completing any 1-star dungeons in the Cursed Vale biome, from completing Event Delves and rarely from killing wolves and werewolves.
Tip: Completing 1-star Dungeons in Cursed Vale might be the most efficient way as they also grant Candy Corn and other materials.
You will need more than 50 of this later on for the event collectables and lootboxes.
4/7 Collect Q'rsebane (25)
Q'rsed Bite 4/7: Wonderful, now for the last ingredient, Q'rsebane. It only grows during Shadow's Eve, and only in the Cursed Vale. In hindsight I probably should have told you to look out for it earlier, but I'm an old priest, can you blame me for forgetting? Q'rsebane is a purple flower that grows most places above ground. Keep an eye out and grab what you can find.
Q'rsed Seal 1
After completing previous quest steps the Q'rsebane becomes visible all over the Cursed Vale biome. It is fairly easy to find.
You will need more than 25 of this later on for the event collectables and lootboxes.
5/7 Craft the Cleansing Moonshard
Q'rsed Bite 5/7: That should be enough for the Cleansing Moonshard. Head back to the Events area of the hub and use the Shadowy Station to craft a Cleansing Moonshard so we can lift this evil and protect from it in the future.
Q'rsed Seal 1
Back in the hub, craft a Cleansing Moonshard at the
Shadowy Station. Once crafted it will be put in your inventory.
Crafted at:
6/7 Use the Cleansing Moonshard
Q'rsed Bite 6/7: All that's left to do is use the Cleansing Moonshard. It will grant you Elsphodel's Blessing, which will protect you from damage, render you immune to the Q'rsed Bite, and summon Elsphodel's Wrath upon enemies you attack while under its effects. Sadly the protection only lasts for two hours, so you may need to craft more if you want to spend any more time in the Wolves' Den.
Q'rsed Direwolf
Locate the Cleansing Moonshard in your inventory and use it to remove the debuff from before and gain protection of Elsphodel (can no longer obtain that debuff from bosses in the event Delve) together with a slight damage bonus.
7/7 Complete Shadow's Eve Dailies (2)
Q'rsed Bite 7/7: And with that you are cured, praise Elsphodel. More of my acolytes have made their way to the Events area of the hub. Please speak with them and complete any tasks they may have for you. The Order of the Moon protects Trove, but it can use any and all help it can get.
Q'rsed Seal 1
Two more daily quests will become available once you reach this step:
- Collect Q'rsebane (10) - collect Q'rsebane in the Cursed Vale biome
- Collect Vials of Q'rsed Essence (10) - kill wolves and werewolves to spawn the Vials
Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure
Collect Vials of Q'rsed Essence (10)
Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: To defeat an enemy you must know it. To know our enemy we must study them. Go and defeat wolves and werewolves in the Cursed Vale. They may sometimes drop a Vial of Q'rsed Essence. Go collect it, then check the Shadowy Station for how it can be used.
Q'rsed Seal 1
Collect Q'rsebane (10)
Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: The battle against the Q'rsed is never over. Q'rsebane is a vital resource in that battle, but collecting it can be dangerous. Q'rsebane is a purple flower that grows above ground in the Cursed Vale. Please go and collect as much as you can.
Q'rsed Seal 1
Defeat Pumpkin Dungeons (5)
Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: They're spooking up everywhere, from the Permafrost to the Dragonfire Peaks and everywhere in between on Trove. Go find some of these Pumpkin Dungeons and scare them off!
Q'rsed Seal 1
Kill Wolves and Werewolves (25)
Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: Tarnations partner! Wolves is overrunnin' thangs 'n I've 'ad it! Go get me wolf pelts an' I'll give ya some of these shadow boxes as payment. They're stalkin' the Medieval Highlands, Cursed Vale, and of course, my beautiful Desert Frontier!
Q'rsed Seal 1
Collect 3 Pumpkins (3)
Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: Mmm, pumpkin pie is the best! Plus you can carve jack-o-lanterns while it bakes. Pumpkins can be found growing in large patches in Cursed Vale during Shadow's Eve. They can also be grown and harvested through the Gardening profession. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
Q'rsed Seal 1
Earn a Bomber Royale Coin
Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: My friends prefer treats but everyone knows TRICKS are the best part of the season. Let's go cause some havoc!
Finish in the top 10 players in Bomber Royale.
Q'rsed Seal 1